Deep inside of Joes scrotum there was an urgent meeting being - TopicsExpress


Deep inside of Joes scrotum there was an urgent meeting being held. All the sperm had gathered to discuss a matter of utmost importance. Every time they go up the launch tube to get to the egg, the holy grail for sperm, they were being stopped by a nearly see-through barrier. After much toing and froing it was decided that the biggest of the sperm, Spike, would train night and day. He would be on special rations and receive the bulk of all the testosterone for he had the job of breaking the invisible barrier. His responsibility was heavy indeed for without the egg they where for nought. So Spike trained long and hard with his training partner Ken. It was Kens job to also act as a spotter at the top of the launch tube to tell all the others when Spike broke the barrier. Several weeks later, Spike was in peak condition. They could all feel the stir of excitement in Joes loins. They gather around the base of the launch tube and watched as Spike prepared himself for his finest moment. Ken had already taken his position as the spotter at the tip of the launch tube. The sperm, feeling the pressure building, started to chant as one, Spike, Spike, Spike, Spike .... As the pressure built further, the chants became louder and faster .... until ... unable to hold back any further Spike flew up the launch tube and thrust himself at the barrier. There was a (pardon the pun) pregnant pause as Ken yelled down the tube, Hes done it! By God hes through! All the other sperm cheered and readied themselves, chanting, get to the egg, get to the egg, get to the egg! Just as the sperm were about to shoot up the launch tube, Ken yelled frantically down the tube, STOP, STOP, DONT GO, SPIKES IN THE SHIT!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 12:59:12 +0000

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