Deeply embedded in the religious philosophies of the ancient world - TopicsExpress


Deeply embedded in the religious philosophies of the ancient world was the idea of a Source Reality that manifests as the universe in all its detail. Later cultures used the word God, Yahweh, Allah, or Lord, among others, to express this Source concept. World religions were formed around this idea, each expressing in its unique way that the Creator and creation are one. As time passed, however, people lost connection with this initial truth. New doctrines persuaded followers to search for the Source, as if it were not present in the very substance of everything. The logical outcome of this was to deny or exploit ordinary reality in an attempt to get to the almighty Source. This has been going on for millennia: the belief that God is “up there” in heaven, while we struggle “down here” on Earth. All manner and means of seeking arose, as if Truth or God or Source were somehow absent. Today searching for truth has become an uninspected habit, a cosmic game of hide-and-seek that we are all supposed to play. Instead let’s look back at the original belief that Source and seen really are the same. There is no difference between spirit and matter. It’s like trying to separate day and night—without one, the other cannot exist. This idea may encourage you to reevaluate the whole notion of seeking truth. When you stop seeking, you create an opportunity to become intimate with that truth. Intimate with the Divine. Intimate with the ordinary conditions of life. Intimate with your self. They are all one and the same, as readily available as your breath. The habit of discontent, of obsessively looking and waiting for something outside yourself, can be discarded altogether. When you do this, you will be free to start living in truth; in what is. For me, that means the reality that is always upon us in every breath, every heartbeat, and every relationship. And that is the end of the story.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 13:14:20 +0000

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