Defeating Ebola in Sierra Leone Summary of conference pledges The - TopicsExpress


Defeating Ebola in Sierra Leone Summary of conference pledges The Defeating Ebola conference in London has rallied global support to contain, control and defeat Ebola in Sierra Leone. The following is a summary of pledges. It does not contain all pledges made during the conference. A full list will be published on the UK Government’s website shortly. United Kingdom The UK government has already committed £125 million to tackle the disease. This includes supporting 700 treatment beds to help up to 8,800 patients over six months. In addition, the UK will trial a new Ebola community care programme units to isolate Ebola cases more quickly and highlight the risk of infection during traditional burial rites. A selection of other pledges made today (converted to £): Donor governments Cuba Pledged to train and deploy 165 health professionals to Sierra Leone. Australia £6.2 million pledged to UN trust fund. This is in addition to the £1.2 million already pledged to UK efforts. Canada Additional £18.6 million will be provided. Finland A further £744,000 in addition to Finland’s existing £620,000 to region through WHO and IFRC. Germany Pledged to provide enhanced support up to £54.9 million. Ireland Additional contribution based on needs assessment, with a focus on medical treatment facilities in Sierra Leone. This is in addition to 42 tons of supplies that have been airlifted and £784,000 already committed. Italy New announcement of £3.1 million, in addition to existing £940,000 to the WHO. Japan Provide Personal Protection Equipment kits if appropriate for use in the Ebola outbreak. Norway Provide physicians and nurses and considering other support. South Korea Further financial support and possibly provision of equipment. Sweden Looking into establishing logistics support and considering medevac. Switzerland £3.25 million pledged. The Philippines Considering provision of healthcare workers. Many of the following also announced that they considering further funding or other forms of support. Multilateral organisations African Development Bank A further £94.9 million package of grants has been approved on 1 October, of which £31million to Sierra Leone. NGOs and Foundations Children’s Investment Fund Foundation Pledged £12.4 million, £7.75 million of which is new. £9.3 million of which for Sierra Leone. Comic Relief Announced new funding of £1 million at the conference. Save the Children Will launch a £70 million appeal, with £40 million to Sierra Leone. Private sector GlaxoSmithKline Further support of around £300,000 for Save the Children’s efforts on Ebola. This is in addition to what they have already contributed (£130,000 cash and £500,000 in kind donations) as well as restating their accelerated efforts on our Ebola vaccine candidate. Ebola Private Sector Mobilisation Group EPSMG is a self-started coalition of 39 private sector companies operating in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea who made an announcement of support and continued trade/investment in these countries. The main organisation working on operations
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 21:45:50 +0000

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