Define the biggest fool the biggest fool is he who think the - TopicsExpress


Define the biggest fool the biggest fool is he who think the govt scholars and kingdoms speak against IM due to their bid`ah and not due to IM being a threat to their seats of power the biggest fool is he who believes that the muwwahideen are not muwwahideen because his shaykh said so (i.e blind following and no research). And vice versa i.e one who believes they are muwwahideen because their shuyukh said so. in short all these traits nail down to one group and they are the madakhila and many ahl al-hadeeth of indo and pak who obviously have no idea of whats happening here and tend to actually blame the masses and the researchers and the very years of living and seeing whats been happening . a brother shared with us the article of some nisaar nadiadwala . seems to be someone with a good following. he said the masses were brainwashed? or wrongly informed? subhanallah, does this guy even live in the arab lands? Or hes been to it for umrah and once or twice? or does he think Dubai is an arab land? does he even know the laws which are applied and studied for these lands? do you think they study shariah law? ha ! brain washed? subhanallah ! the brother informed us hes not a madkhali but as we said indian and paki ahl al-hadeeth have a soft spot for the gulf lands. Has to be, any muslim would have it somewhere or the other, especially for those living in the Hindu land of india . Dont blame that but to write an article saying brainwashed this is wrong. giving that brother husn adh-dhan , the least we can say is , dont raise your pen until and unless you know whats happened and whats happening here. even if we remove the fahaasha permitted and booming within the Muslim lands, yet their foreign policy is enough for enraging any Muslim. heck has he even read Ad-Durar Al-Najdiyya and other najdi fataawa which have tonnes of material in them from ulema making takfeer on such and such issues which is applied today (as shaykh hatim awni said recently) would be devastating. There is no propaganda aganst saudiyyah or any state per say. the only one to claim this are cnn and fox news in defence of their employer (israel) du`at should stick to being du`at , poets should stick to being poets, scholars should stick to being scholars . One must not write anything which is beyond his capability. we and our teachers and our companions and our friends study in these lands, with ulema and we know which masjid was built when. which place gets funding from where which 9/10 salafis on facebook dont know except the arabs. Lets not type anything because we have a keyboard
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 16:37:14 +0000

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