Defining the Real Two Party System It has become quite obvious - TopicsExpress


Defining the Real Two Party System It has become quite obvious that the vast majority of politicians care more about re-election than making the best decision for the constituents they represent. They all talk the talk but very few walk the walk. It is no coincidence that most end their political careers quite wealthy. Political favors, legislation to expand government (to gain more power), kickbacks, insider trading, lying, and bills loaded with massive pork are par for the course. The performance of todays politicians is far from what the Founders envisioned. They far too often put what is best for the Nation on the rear burner in order to maintain their power. They rarely challenge the party line and always try to avoid addressing the real issues most significantly impacting the Nation. These are the reasons America is now teetering on the brink of unrecoverable disaster and explains the economic collapse of Europe and bankruptcy of cities in America like Detroit. Even though most of todays politicians are inherently corrupt there is a line that the majority of conservatives are not willing to cross which is what defines the difference between them and the liberals. The conservatives are far more reluctant to violate the Constitution and head down the socialist freeway. This is the primary reason that not one single republican voted for Obamacare and the majority of which will not rest until it is repealed. They are willing to sacrifice the tremendous power they gain over we the people out of respect for the Constitution and the Constitutional Republic established by our Founders. Yes, even the conservatives are guilty of the failings described in the first paragraph but at least there is a line they will not cross! The liberals completely jumped the shark and regardless of what they say and promise, they despise the Constitution and believe that socialism/communism is whats best for America. Ironically, many liberals will never admit they are socialist because they dont realize that they are! Not really that hard to understand when you realize that most selfish people never realize that they are selfish. Most vein people never realize that they are vein, etc. etc. President Kennedy was perhaps the last of the democrats that believed in the greatness of America as a Constitutional Republic, the importance of personal freedom, and self-determination in lieu of government dependence. What we really have today is two major parties; the conservative party and the socialist party. Most all liberal progressives fall into the socialist party as do many of the rino republicans (republican in name only). Most republicans fall into the conservative party as well as the vast majority of the tea party republicans. Independents and libertarians slant toward the conservative party. To make it simple, if you want America to fundamentally transition to socialism or communism; you should vote for liberals. If you prefer that America continue as a Constitutional Republic you should vote republican and be very leery of rino republicans. If America is to survive and regain its position as an exceptional nation we the people must get more involved in politics. We have to pay more attention to government than we do American Idol. We must hold politicians accountable! Lying and corruption must no longer be tolerated. Insane deficit, government growth, illegal immigration, failure to enforce the laws, economic redistribution, disastrous foreign policy, government entitlements, tax reform, term limits and violations of the Constitution must all be addressed. It is time to force the politicians to tackle the real problems this Nation is facing; not imaginary problems such as free birth control for college coeds or ridiculous claims of a war on woman.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 15:32:30 +0000

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