Definition of FREEDOM 1 : the quality or state of being free: - TopicsExpress


Definition of FREEDOM 1 : the quality or state of being free: as a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action b : liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : independence c : the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous d : ease, facility e : the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken freedom> f : improper familiarity g : boldness of conception or execution h : unrestricted use 2 a : a political right b : franchise, privilege kiefair/2013/06/13/over-420-people-say-free-ronnie-smith/ But we all know that Freedom Means so much more than that. In the united states, the word freedom has attained a near holy status since our founding fathers so long ago so boldly declared their independence from the crown and said, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. “ The passage came to represent a moral standard to which the United States should strive. What great word and ideal is standing behind those words? Freedom. Our constitution is similarly tied up in this idea of freedom. The People are free, that is why we fought England, to be free. So concerned are we as a people with freedom, that we amended that sacred document with the Bill of Rights. The first amendment of the United States constitution is: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. We have this amendment so that people can follow their conscience. We have this amendment so that people can make up their own minds and speak it. This amendment is perhaps one of the most powerful sentences ever written. For, what free person could tolerate anyone getting between them and their understanding of a creator (or their firm belief in atheism for that matter). Yes, we as an American people are taught to love freedom and speak about our love of that freedom from an early age. Sure, we all love freedom, but why am I really writing to you about freedom? I am specifically writing to you on behalf of a prisoner in the great state of Arizona. The Right Reverend Ronnie Lee Smith was stopped while traveling through your state and was detained for possessing medicinal and sacramental cannabis. The Reverend Smith holds a medical recommendation from Dr Eidleman from California. Dr. Eidleman is well known for his natural medicine. He has been in the natural healing field for over thirty years. Dr. Eidleman traveled all over the world, learning a lot about natural ways of healing the body, the mind, and the spirit. Dr. Eidleman believe that these approaches to healing and to prevention and to awakening can be a boon to each of us, and to the country as a whole. You can read more about Dr. Eidleman here: Colorado and California state laws both protect patients who have a doctor’s recommendation but who have not registered with the state. Reverend Smith was legal for his medicinal and religious cannabis where he was visiting in California, he was legal where he was headed (home to Colorado). The state of Arizona does have reciprocity for their state. The Reverend Smith was just passing through the state but was arrested for his sacrament and medication. Not only is Ronnie Smith a Reverend in his own right, he is also a member of a church in Colorado called Green Faith Ministry N.A.C. Headed by Reverend Brandon Baker. The mandates of Greenfaith Ministry are as follows: *Cannabis Is a Healing Sacrament of green faith ministry, and is MANDATED FOR ALL PATRONS TO PRACTICE SACRAMENTAL CANNABIS BURNT OFFERINGS FOR BLESSINGS OF HEALTH for reasons as follows: *HELPS EVOLVE THE SOUL Sacramental Cannabis augments ones faith and contributes to the evolution of one’s soul as one communes with ones inner self and ones spiritual connection with the universe. *IS AN EXERCISE IN ACQUIRING SPIRITUAL ATTRIBUTES BY SHARING. Sharing Sacramental Cannabis contributes to communion with Spirit and fellowship with others in the spiritual association of the brother/sisterhood of humankind. This practice leads to the discovery and creation of one’s spiritual path. *CREATES PEACE The hand cultivation of Sacramental Cannabis exerts an ennobling and expanding influence on people. The agriculturist is a peace loving person. A nurturing association with the Sacramental Cannabis plants instills patience, quiet, peace, reverence, meditation, spiritual awareness, enlightenment and awareness of the life force. There is great therapeutic value in growing your own sacrament when it is done in conscious partnership with collective human spirituality. *ENHANCES SPIRITUAL RECEPTIVITY One’s inherent imagination and spiritual receptivity is influenced by growing harvesting and ingesting the Cannabis Sacrament. The bio-electro-neuro-chemical effects of ingestion enhances the interface between mind and spirit and augments spiritual receptivity. The effect maybe likened to what happens to the image in a microscope when a drop of oil is added on an oil immersion lens. It is magnified and amplified to the eye of the beholder. *SERVES HUMANITY AS A MEANS OF HEALING People benefit fromutilizing sacramental Cannabis in conjunction with the body/mind healing values of Cannabis. Cannabis Sacrament as medicine/nourishment for the body and the spirit should be available to those who need it for relief from AIDS, glaucoma, nausea from radiation & chemotherapy, stress, muscle spastics, asthma, loss of appetite, migraine headaches, menstrual related discomforts, and many other human maladies. One of the THC Ministry’s(as well as green faith ministry’s) Holy duties is to provide the blessing of its Cannabis Sacrament to those suffering and in need of its benevolent blessings. ***Mandates by and for members of g. f. ministry, and all other div. of thc-ministries. *Special thanks to: All Div. Of thc-Ministries World Wide, and The Religion of Jesus Churches. To whomever is reading this, I want you to consider three things about “state of Arizona vs smith” Ronnie Smith is a medical cannabis patient. He has nerve damage and is a cancer survivor. He uses this plant to treat pain and to prevent the return of cancer. (Google search “run from the cure” if you have not yet heard of cannabis use to cure cancer) Ronnie Smith is a Reverend protected by the first amendment and a member of a religion who mandates smoked offerings. Ronnie Smith was travelling with minimal amounts of his medicine and sacrament, clearly not warranting any element other than personal possession 21 usc 802(2) The term “administer” refers to the direct application of a controlled substance to the body of a patient or research subject by— (A) a practitioner (or, in his presence, by his authorized agent), or (B) the patient or research subject at the direction and in the presence of the practitioner,whether such application be by injection, inhalation, ingestion, or any other means. (3) The term “agent” means an authorized person who acts on behalf of or at the direction of a manufacturer, distributor, or dispenser; except that such term does not include a common or contract carrier, public warehouseman, or employee of the carrier or warehouseman, when acting in the usual and lawful course of the carrier’s or warehouseman’s business…. (10) The term “dispense” means to deliver a controlled substance to an ultimate user or research subject by, or pursuant to the lawful order of, a practitioner, including the prescribing and administering of a controlled substance and the packaging, labeling or compounding necessary to prepare the substance for such delivery. The term “dispenser” means a practitioner who so delivers a controlled substance to an ultimate user or research subject…. *(27) The term “ultimate user” means a person who has lawfully obtained, and who possesses, a controlled substance for his own use or for the use of a member of his household or for an animal owned by him or by a member of his household. I humbly beg the representatives with the power to do so in the state of Arizona to drop the charges included in case number J-1304-CR-201300774 Ronnie Smith c/o Yavapai county Jail Inmate #036312 Unit 4 Booking # 13-02676 2830 Commonwealth Dr #105 Camp Verde, AZ 86322-9998 Respectfully, do you agree with the above? please click through to this link and sign the petition.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 19:56:32 +0000

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