Definition of SECULAR congress is secular when its leaders draged - TopicsExpress


Definition of SECULAR congress is secular when its leaders draged sikhs out of their homes and burnt them alive in 1984. Lalu and others were secular when bogies with women and children were burnt at godhara station and fire brigades were not allowed to reach there. samajwadi was also secular as long as jats were buctered but samajwadi became secular when jats responded.shide is secular when sanatan dharm people or rss are falsely implicated and tortured in jail for months but shinde becomes secular to write letters to state govts not to arrest muslims in terror cases( they should arrest hindus so that chidamaram can propagagate the thoery of safron terror) congress is also secular to implicate amit shah and modi in the encounter of isharat jahan who was a proven let sucide bomber as confirmed by nia and hadely.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 07:51:09 +0000

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