Definition of al-Hudaa بـسـم الله والحـمـد - TopicsExpress


Definition of al-Hudaa بـسـم الله والحـمـد لله والـصلاة والـسـلام عــلى رسـول الله، وبـعـد If the definition of al-Hudaa (guidance) were limited to mean: information and acknowledgment only, then according to this definition, Ibees is among the guided for he did acknowledge the superiority of Allaah and he said to Allaah تعالى: “By Your Honor…” and he did acknowledge that Allaah تعالى created him and Aadam. But since he did not obey what he was commanded, so Allaah تعالى called declared him as Kaafir. Therefore this definition of al-Hudaa is incomplete. Shaikh al-Sa`dee رحمه الله in the Tafseer of aayah 13 of Surah al-Kahf defined al-Hudaa as: “Beneficial Knowledge and Righteous Deeds.” So the correct definition of Al-Hudaa is that it is a blessing of Allaah تعالى upon His slaves to allow then to learn beneficial knowledge and to act upon it. Doing righteous deeds is an integral part of being guided. True Guidance is the ability of converting Knowledge into Actions. In the Qur’aan, wherever Allaah تعالى says: “He increases in guidance”, it means, increase in beneficial knowledge and righteous deeds. Allaah تعالى says: {And Allaah increases those who were guided, in guidance} [Surah Maryam (19): 76] And {And those who are guided - He increases them in guidance and gives them their righteousness.} [Surah Muhammad (47):17]
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 16:49:28 +0000

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