Dehydration - An Imbalance of Water & Minerals 100% Preventable - - TopicsExpress


Dehydration - An Imbalance of Water & Minerals 100% Preventable - If you know what to do! By Dr. Chris Meletis N. D. Dehydration results from the loss of water and important electrolytes from the body, including potassium, sodium, chloride and many other minerals often overlooked. The very functioning of essential organs like the brain, kidney, heart and nervous system can’t function without sufficient water or minerals. In third world countries millions of people die each year from dehydration, particularly susceptible are children and the elderly. But even in North American people suffer unnecessarily and even when people aren’t actually ill from dehydration, it can really affect quality of life and performance. Noteworthy is that water makes up 70 percent of our muscles and about 75 percent of our brains. Thus it is not surprising that as minerals and water become deplete that muscle aches and cramps, fatigue and thinking can be affected. Research shows that dehydration can diminish thought processes and memory, thus adversely affecting global quality of life. This should not be surprising considering that an imbalance in just one mineral can actually lead to substantial biochemical imbalances, thus maintaining and replacing the full array of minerals and trace minerals in ones diet daily is important, let along during times of strain on your body’s systems such as times that can cause dehydration. There are many causes of dehydration, indeed everyday we lose about 2 cups of water from just breathing, so if it is not replaced a fluid and electrolyte imbalance will occur. Dehydration causes fall within 4 basic categories represent common causes: Common Causes of Potential Dehydration* Sweating- Fever, Exercise, Excess exposure to heat (heat exhaustion/heat stroke) Vomiting- Ulcers, Food Poisoning, Flu, etc. Diarrhea- Gastroenteritis, Flu, Food Poisoning, Bowel Disease Insufficient Intake- This can arise from not consuming adequate quantities of water and minerals or a relative deficiency due to excess loss. *It is essential that the cause of the dehydration is addressed. I routinely coach my patients to focus on prevention when it comes to dehydration. The reality is that dehydration happens more frequently than most of us realize. How many of you have suffered from dry lips and mouth, skin that is flaky, a swimmy sensation in your head when you have forgotten to drink sufficient water? Well one or more of these symptoms are very prevalent for tens of thousands of people in the North America alone. In fact, on a hot humid day, an active person can become dehydrated in just 15 minutes. So, how do you avoid getting dehydrations, well here are two specific clues: Get enough water Consume your minerals sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and magnesium Minerals- The Spice of Life and an Essential Consideration for Dehydration Treatment Sodium Salt plain and simple. That is why after sweating you crave salty food. Potassium Most American’s don’t get enough. The average intake is only half as much as sodium. A healthful intake is 5 times more potassium, than sodium, which is easily gotten by eating a more vegetable, and fruit based diet. Chloride The mate to both sodium (NaCl) and potassium (KCl), it is essential to keep these items in proper balance. Calcium This mineral is essential for proper cardiac and muscle function, if too low one can get muscle cramps. Magnesium When low muscle spasms can occur, also this mineral is crucial for maintaining a healthy airflow and to help keep blood pressure balanced. Trace Minerals The forgotten minerals, yet just because they are trace and small they are lost also when one get dehydrated. Replacing them as well can help maintain overall health and optimal functioning and performance. If you are athletically inclined, avoiding dehydration takes on an additional significance. Not only are you at a higher risk, dehydration can really decrease your performance and endurance, thus dulling your performance edge. There are 2 basic levels of dehydration that might be treated at home. It is important to remember dehydration can be serious. Here are some signs of dehydration and the level of related severity. Frequent Signs of Dehydration* Mild- (Safe to treat at home as long as it doesn’t worsen)
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 01:11:55 +0000

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