Delaware Total Taxpayer Cost of Prisons: $215,210,000 Total - TopicsExpress


Delaware Total Taxpayer Cost of Prisons: $215,210,000 Total Prison Population Males 6,348 Females 566 % of Prison Cost OVER the Corrections Budget: 11.5% Thats RIGHT, the budget is about $173,000,000. Average annual cost per inmate: $32,967 And at least $80 million is used to WAREHOUSE nonviolent drug offenders! Most of us think carefully when spending our money, poor people like me, and even the wealthy brain surgeon. Except when it comes to taxes!! We should be more concerned about how politicians spend OUR hard-earned money! More than $32,000 to house one nonviolent person with a health problem? In the case of the elderly and/or ill inmate the cost jumps to between $60,000 to $100,000! I was in a cell with 2 completely blind prisoners, both over 60, one of whom needed dialysis 3 or 4 times a week! There are scores of other examples of people locked up – at YOUR expense – who need NOT be in prison. How hard – how many hours – do YOU need to work to earn $100,000? Yet you sit there like a Lumpkin while that kind of money is WASTED! Nobody knows the exact number of prisoners (and people newly arrested when the Bill is passed who will NOT become prisoners!) who qualify for the Delaware Crime Prevention and Rehabilitation Act (BEING DRAFTED INTO LAW AS YOU READ THIS) , but careful estimates based on known data is at least 1/3 of the prison population. If it is only 1/3, this Act will save taxpayers more than $140 MILLION dollars a year, and countless billions of $$$ in the long run. You see, it will provide TREATMENT and REHABILITATION, not prison, for the addicted and the mentally ill! ALL of those who successfully participate will STOP swinging that prison revolving door; will not commit future crimes, etc!!! GET SMART- Take CONTROL of YOUR hard-earned cashola! Write Letters to the Editor of your local newspapers, contact your legislators! Join our FB group page at Citizens for Criminal JUSTICE!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 10:38:48 +0000

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