Delighted to see that Google are honouring Diana Wynne Jones on - TopicsExpress


Delighted to see that Google are honouring Diana Wynne Jones on what would have been her 80th birthday. I met Diana a few times over the years, and she was always great company. My favourite memory of her is when we were having a dinner with Lynne Reid Banks and some other people up in Edinburgh one year. Lynne and I were talking about how American editors often insist on British authors Americanizing their books, converting British words and phrases into American words and phrases, if they arent especially common in the States. I dont actually mind this that much -- my books are published all round the world, and I understand that cultural difficulties can sometimes make translations an awkward affair, so Im happy for my books to be gently tweaked, as long as nothing is lost in the translation. Lynne had a different view, and was of the opinion that a book should never be tinkered with in any way at all, and that editors were overstepping their boundaries by making such requests. After a while we turned to Diana -- who always looked like the sweetest granny in the world any time I met her -- and asked her for her opinion of interfering editors. She sniffed dismissively, didnt bat an eyelid, then growled, Ill p**s on their graves! Priceless!!! I miss Diana. The worlds a less interesting place without her. And dinners even less so!!!
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 09:01:15 +0000

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