Demanding An Apology from the South Sudanese Minister of Defence - TopicsExpress


Demanding An Apology from the South Sudanese Minister of Defence Lt. Gen. Kuol Manyang Juuk is nothing short of Gossiping, Instigation and betrayal in a sense. My personal reasoning is not about defending him from others who are criticizing him, for which I also do during his tenure as governor of our state, Jonglei. Google me for that; I did during the massacre of Low Nuer-Naaths civilians by the Murle bandits of David Yau Yau, plus the massacre of innocent civilians in Jalle, both of Pakeer-Ajuongs massacre and the last massacre in Kolnyang District, after the current rebellions started in the country. In those incidents, I was the first internets warrior criticizing the state Governor Mr. Kuol Manyang together with South Sudan army Spokesman Col. Philip Aguer for not sending the ‘MEN in Uniforms’ not Women in Shirts, to go and protect our vulnerable civilians across the state at that time. I hope all ours brothers and sisters alike are aware of those massacres in Jonglei State, which happened due to lack of protection by the Men in Uniforms from the government of South Sudan, isn’t it? Now, the government has open the door for people to join for training in order to become soldiers to defend the repetitions of those massacres in which Mr. Kuol Manyang was quote blaming those who joined the army first, and then quitting it before fishing it as cowards and women best for skirts in that category of those men alone, should not be taken for business over the internet. You cannot play selfish interests or politics with people‘s life in any way possible as human being in Australia and North America! Thirdly, Lt. General Kuol Manyang has been known saying similar terms in front of everybody during the struggle under the Chairmanship of late Dr. John Garang Mabior and I never heard any one criticizing him other than praising him, until today after the absence of the late Dr. John Garang De Mabior from the Leadership! How that would imply anything but hypocrisy and lack of contextual understanding at large. All in all, there are thousands of apologies and demands to be made and if any of us still not aware of them, then Minister Kuol Manyang will become the last person to apologize after each of us here did on the internet and back home, me included with an apology too. Are you not also, guilty enough to do so Sister Nyan De Mayen-Dit?
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 23:14:47 +0000

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