Democracy, a form of governance in Question???? .. Mr. Disraeli, - TopicsExpress


Democracy, a form of governance in Question???? .. Mr. Disraeli, a prime minister of England in the 19th century defined democracy as the art of governing mankind by deceiving them. The description is a clear picture of the motives that are planned by the modern power hungry and avaricious politicians. Indeed, democracy is a process of obtaining status and position by treacherous and canny means and making wrong use of it for personal gains. The masses are ignorant and lack political knowledge and intellect which puts them in a depleted condition of incognizance and intellectual depravity. This pathetic plight leads them towards unwise decisions which result in choice of wrong people for the right job. Since, people lack intellect along with intuition and wisdom; the silver tongued politicians subject them to intellectual servitude by hypnotizing them through perfidious verbiage and profound skills of oratory eventually seizing power. Astoundingly, voters of the most democratic nations too adhere to their political beliefs indifferently and apathetically. Without weighing the pros and cons, they elect politicians and hand them over the realms of the state affairs. Such electoral, time and again have proven to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing and played their demonic part in leading the world towards the contemporary havoc and chaos. When power is transferred to hands of such windbags who merely are chatterboxes, make empty promises. A promise is like an ice ball easy to make difficult to keep, these politicians, once elected, disregard their loyal and blind hawks, have no concern for them anymore, forget the promises that were made and leave them in the lurch by feathering their very own nests. They fail to execute their hyperbolic manifestations and conclude their plans, hence, leaving people to suffer dire consequences. Moreover, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, the power hungry politicians who were once deprived of power, now in power, attempt to make for self gains and avenge their arch rivals. The malice of nepotism and favoritism continue to flourish in the developing as well as developed countries as a bitter repercussion of democracy. Positions with remarkable onus are handed over to the people who have proved their loyalty to the party, the ones who truly deserve these ranks are ignored and surpassed, thus, merit is not murdered barbarically but also birth is given to sundry other evils as corruption, incompetence, bribe, concession of national interests and so on. Again, the decision making process becomes lethargic, the execution of vital decisions for abrupt performance and for the betterment of masses are kept pending resulting in heavy losses for which later on high costs are paid. Yet again, democratic parliaments throughout the world are mere National Talk Shops and Markets for Gossip. In consideration all these facts, certainly, democracy as a form of government is bursting with blemishes, flaws and failings. Indeed, democracy has embittered the feelings of the people and has failed to pay yield which is desired. It is high time, the roots have be struck out and the political scientists all around the globe have to sit together, ponder over and make tiring efforts in order to devise a form of governance that predominates its all other predecessors, ancient structures and proves to be fruitful, prolific and catering to the needs of the modern man before volcanic agitation by the masses worldwide does erupt. … Noor.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 07:34:10 +0000

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