Democracy is not a Bad Word! Our system is based upon a specific - TopicsExpress


Democracy is not a Bad Word! Our system is based upon a specific Kind Its one thing to bemoan the loss of (representative) democracy in America, and quite another to suggest we have no democratic roots at all, and our WE the People government is just not intended for inclusionary participation by all the people. This idea is ridiculous that we are somehow just a Republic - a strong and well-oiled machine of virtuous civic-minded men who know better, etc- or whatever - or just like any other Republic, diminishing the value of people power essentially- in favor of some re-imagined combination of oligarchy, monarch and limited-representative elections. This reminds me of the time my Uncle told me that the USA just was not intended to be a place for everyone to vote and participate in government, justifying slavery at the kitchen table on the basis that our founding fathers vision was limited to white male land-owners. No successful democracies? Why the trashing of people power? I think I know why. People on top want to remain there. Go live somewhere else? you say, if there are other democratic/(socialist) countries? Voting isnt for everyone, right? Wrong. Education was not for everyone either. But there is are successful democratic republics. We do not practice pure democracy, and never have, that is not the point, and we dont have purely open markets. Those democracies all have socialist aspects. I choose to live here in our representative democracy. Democratic is not synonymous with socialist. Nope, sorry. And...The Roman Empire fell because it became more democratic and..those lazy welfare Romans? Hmm..That is one interpretation of Roman history. Some republics throughout history were monarchs, some were taken over by tyrants like Napoleon. Your implication that our republic is not rooted in democracy, albeit representative democracy, is fallacious at best, and scurrilous at worst. Another excuse to trash government employees? Cheers. Stir the pot but dont pee in it and call it chicken soup, please. Suggesting we need less democracy is very dont want me to say it...Denouncing American democracy! Wow. It is unhealthy, especially since no alternative to good, representational democracy, has been either suggested nor implied. Whats better? Theocratic Corporate Fascism? Plutocratic Oligarchy? Strong-man Autocracy? Just saying.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 02:18:41 +0000

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