Democracy is not just about giving into the mass screaming of the - TopicsExpress


Democracy is not just about giving into the mass screaming of the ignorant. If so we would be shoveling Muslims into gas chambers by now. So many people I know refuse to accept the difference between the vast majority of good decent Muslims and the extremists. There is one person on this page, but s/he should remember that the country that funded the assassination of a member of our royal family and the assassination attempt of our prime minister is the USA. By his or her logic ALL Americans must be treated as British hating terrorists. (I do not support that logic at all) However even on minor issues countries should not always give in to the crowd. When Dianna died everyone made an issue that the Union Flag was not flown half mast at Buckingham Palace. The Queen had to come down from the North of Scotland for her EX daughter in law and speak to the nation over the death of the self styled queen of hearts. The Union Flag was flown half mast over the palace for the ONLY time in history. Forget all the other monarchs just in the queens reign the deaths of King George VI, Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth and Princess Margaret did not warrant the Union Flag being flown - not to mention the Royal Dukes of Kent, and Gloucester and the aforementioned murdered Lord Lois Mountbatten. All died with not a Union flag in sight!!! HM Queen Elizabeth was one of the most loved Queens in British history and she was the last great dowager Empress that Europe will ever see. Her death saw people queuing for 12 hours to spend a minute in front of her coffin and NO Union Flag over Buckingham Palace. As it should be. The monarch is at the head of the nation and the royal standard is the only flag that should be flown from the royal court. If I may ignore the fact that we have a regnant queen and assume that only kings can reign for a second then when the monarch dies it really is the case of - - the king is dead, long live the king. When the old king dies their standard is drawn down to be immediately replaced by the standard of the new king. As the heir to the thrown becomes King the second the old king dies then only the standard of the ruling monarch may fly over court. There is no space for flying flags half mast. How dare a population of people that not one week before were starting to really dislike Dianna weep and wail in utter hypocrisy at her death and demand a 1000 years of protocol be broken. Before her death Diannas popularity ratings in the UK were in free fall, Many were beginning to question her motives for behaving so badly, then one fast car ride through a tunnel and she was a national saint. My guess is the Union Flag had to be flown at half mast to assuage the feelings of collective guilt from a nation of hypocrites!!!!! --G
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 10:49:29 +0000

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