“Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and - TopicsExpress


“Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide.” ― John Adams A beautiful society had been created, as many had before it. Freedom spanned, then receded; so goes every era of all mankind. Marvels of science and knowledge turned to ignorance of truth; instead of a harmonious partnership, came the days of self destruction shrouded in the empty promise of pseudo-progress. Apathy, fueled by earthly comfort, lulled the masses; soon they gave excuses for the misgivings of those elected to serve, whom decided to serve themselves and not the people. This is the way the individual dies, a family withers, and a nation squanders the benevolence of God. We had forgotten the work that comes with a blessing of grace, and now shout to the heavens as though God has forgotten us. The amnesia took the diligence and responsibility, replacing it with hardened hearts that looked upon irrational, unsustainable principles, propped by seemingly good intention... but it merely masks the guilt. Sleepy heads need to sleep, and tossing and turning ends no matter the conscience, when one becomes exhausted enough. And so a great land became lesser, due to the heartlessness in the workings of its people. Heartless mostly toward themselves, for they chose a slow suicide, far more gruesome than blowing themselves up in a flash. When one hates the self, that hatred turns to their neighbor, for it cannot be hidden for long and must manifest. To return to a day of great progress in American society, we must return, not to the state of mind of our predecessors--for time brings about the evolution of things--but return to their state of heart, where wisdom dwells. Their hearts longed for freedom and were willing to do the daunting tasks that lay ahead. They searched within for strength and hope. Far tougher than facing the oppression of King George III was facing the fear within; diving into the depths of their souls to come together, despite many different beliefs and personal worries. They were bonded by the heart calling for pursuit of true happiness which can only be found individually. Discovered in the silences of the day, finding the inner workings of one’s own story in solitude and bringing that forth into the deliberations, a declaration and constitution formed to ensure all would be assured freedom under such a framework. Today, we debate over historical record and who meant what when writing this or that. Heated debate and compromises ultimately happened, not out of bitterness or judgement of another’s philosophy, but in order that all people, walking many different paths, would find their own path to fulfillment. We should celebrate and study the process of such framework, for despite the many differing opinions just as exists today, they were able to capture on paper the spirit of a soul’s path on earth and government’s rightful place along that journey. A man has nothing if not for his distinct dreams and unique journey. No signature on that constitution looked the same, neither did their ideals. It was broad and generalized, not so it could be obscured and easily changed, but so that rights remained inherent and not allocated by other men with other ideals. It was simply constructed, albeit through a painstaking process. Provided in the Bill of Rights alone were fundamental guarantees to ensure no man or group or nation could squash humanity’s progress toward a “more perfect union”. They knew nothing constructed by man would be impervious to malfeasance, but developed during those unsettling times was a system to allow the people to create their own model civilization. The only fear was, as had happened with every democratic system since the beginning of time, the people would soon become apathetic as life became easier and more prosperous, and domineering men would take advantage of a people that settled for government safety nets and entitlements over the diligence of looking within and performing the self-work necessary to sustain such a grandiose idea of a nation--a nation structured without a monarchy or oligarchy deciding the whole of their days.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 17:43:18 +0000

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