Democracy or Islam In Islam all sovereignty belongs to Allah - TopicsExpress


Democracy or Islam In Islam all sovereignty belongs to Allah and power to rule is a Holy trust. All laws are taken from the Holy Quran, the word of Allah. These laws are not limited to a specific period of time but are for all eternity. Islam gives a complete code of life. In Islam politics cannot be separated from religion. Unlike Christianity that has created a Sunday attitude towards religion, Islam covers all aspects of life and activities of man from cradle to the grave. Now coming towards the incomplete system called Democracy which has brought inequality, corruption, religious intolerance, human rights abuse and so many failures and atrocities which cannot be all written down Democracy is a failed system in which a selected number of individuals rule a state and govern it. They can do whatever they desire by passing bills and legislations with their elected members. Conclusions: Sharia is our solution to success and not democracy because Sharia gives: > Total Justice. > Total security. > Best economic development. > Best allocation of resources. > Total stability and satisfaction for individuals and community. -Official Taliban statement regarding democracy
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 21:24:05 +0000

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