Democrat vs. Republican, Republican vs. Democrat...the greatest - TopicsExpress


Democrat vs. Republican, Republican vs. Democrat...the greatest story ever told (and the bullshit that comes with it). Its been said that greatest Political Party is the Democrats...of course the same has been repeated about the Republicans. Truth is both are good and both are bad, depends on your views. While there may be several differences in opinion between individual Democrats and Republicans on certain issues, they most certainly are identical. Die hard Party Affiliates and supporters will deny this, but thats because they are idiotic, cant see past their own belief, incompetent and majority of the time, they are under the age of 30, like some people I actually do know. There is a widely-held perception that the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are drastically different in their policy, proposals, philosophy of government, and general modus excuse me, in laymans terms motive. While there are certainly some significant differences between the two parties, the number of similarities are astounding. For decades, people have been presented with an illusion of political choice through the instrument of a, “One party, Two faction” political system. Faction #1 presents peace, human rights, human welfare and the environment along with immense social spending as the main points of its debate. Faction #2 presents the need for imparting freedom, capitalism and democracy throughout the third world by means of, preemptive wars, nation-building and vast militarism, and all while espousing Judeo-Christian values as the cornerstone of its debate. Ten of the most significant characteristics that each of these factions have in common are, 1.) They are both committed to limiting the public debate (one way they do this is to exclude third parties from the presidential debates) (they also prevent third parties from appearing on ballots in key states and from receiving equal coverage in the media) The only thing we get to hear on TV is the same Republican vs. Democrat debate we’ve been listening to for decades. Ron Paul was successful in enlarging the public debate, but only through the media coverage he received by running on a GOP ticket. Even then Ron Paul was treated horribly by the GOP and the mainstream media. 2.) No one other than a Democrat or a Republican has been elected president in the last 160 years 3.) Both parties are private, non-profit corporations and in no way part of the U.S. government nor is either found in the U.S Constitution. 4.) Both Republicans and Democrats stay relatively quiet about and are generally supportive of U.S. reliance on fiat money, fractional reserve lending and our debt based monetary policy. 5.) The Democratic and Republican convention committees each received nearly $17.7 million dollars from the U.S. Treasury for their conventions in 2012 and an additional $600,000 to cover the cost of inflation. (NO THIRD PARTY HAS ACCESS TO THESE FUNDS) (Ron Paul would never have been able to get his word out had he not run on the GOP ticket.) 6.) Both factions accept millions upon millions of dollars from big banks and Wall Street Corporations and are largely backed by the same corporate contributors and interest groups. 7.) Republicans and Democrats are the only so-called political parties given validity and equal coverage by the main-stream media. (Isn’t obvious that the purpose of our media is to perpetuate one agenda?) 8.) The Democrats and Republicans for the most part support continuing the “War on Terror” in which Bush Administration policies have been continued and expanded by the Obama Administration. 9.) Republicans and Democrats each spent over 1 billion dollars on their 2012 campaigns 10.) Both Republicans & Democrats believe that voting for a third party is the equivalent to throwing away your vote while in reality, if everyone voted their conscience and avoided voting for the “lesser of two evils,” (which, by the way just under half of Americans polled said they would be doing this last election), the “One party / Two faction” stranglehold might actually be broken and we as a nation might get to experience a bonafide political event. In 2001 we witnessed the most impactful and most publicized False Flag operation in recorded military history. This event shook the consciousness of the American people to its foundations and provided the pretext for waging multiple & unlimited protracted wars in the Middle East (all in the name of vengeance, security and freedom for the American people). Since this event, too many Americans have been content merely with waving flags and tying ribbons while willingly renouncing their constitutional rights. Like oxen to the slaughter we walk as our freedoms and liberties are being vaporized right under our very noses. Since 2001 the tightening noose has become increasingly apparent through the enactment of the Homeland Security Act, the USA Patriot Act, and the expansion of the Transportation Safety Act (TSA). Additionally we have seen the enactment of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which allows for the elimination of Due Process, the assassination of U.S. citizens, indefinite detentions, and warrantless searches for all who are deemed to be enemies of the state. Then we have the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 which calls for the operation of up to 30,000 drones in U.S. airspace. Our ability to have an unrestricted free press on the internet is now under siege through the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect Internet Protocol Act (PIPA) not to mention our right to bear arms under the 2nd amendment through a relentless media “spin -up” of gun violence. Nearly all of these initiatives have been or will be accomplished with bipartisan support. Republicans and Democrats may sound different but they are leading us to the same place….broke, scared, defenseless, dependent and enslaved. In truth, Democrats and Republicans are the same party...working for you and working against you. These are just some of the reasons why I dont vote based on Party Affiliation...I base my decision of the quality and honesty and sincerity of the person. So the next time someone tells you that they are Democrat or Republican and very strong supporters of their party...WALK AWAY...its not worth hanging around listening to someone who completely has no idea WHY they actually support their Party they think they are affiliated with... after all, ignorance and incompetence can best be evidenced when they start telling you their own reasons why. After all, we, the common folk are just peasants in the eyes of the parties, their die-harder and supporters...yet, they need us. So I say to the Young Democrats of Hawaii and Young Republicans of Hawaii... believe in what you hear from simpletons and in what you see, hear and what they tell you on CNN and FOX, after all, it is your destiny to be the future incompetent and ignorant political leaders of your generation, which is why the cost of living for your generation and future generations to come will in fact be tripled what it is today... you may think having a R or D by your name means something...actually it just means your either RETARDED or DUMB... Mahalo and good evening! Signed, Asshat from Maui.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 02:17:20 +0000

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