Democratic Party voters have nobody to blame for the tsunami of - TopicsExpress


Democratic Party voters have nobody to blame for the tsunami of electoral defeats yesterday and the much larger injury of forty-plus years worth of policy catastrophes except ourselves. Weve handed our party over to elderly, ultra-conservative, aristocratic buffoons who mock our efforts and sneer at our ideas. Median household income and wages adjusted for inflation have been declining since the Nixon administration. Jane and John Q. Voter cant join labor unions, cant afford childcare, cant afford college, cant afford birth control, and to maximize their misery, they have to send their children off to die in senseless, unwinnable, nightmarish wars that cost trillions of dollars. Jane and John overwhelmingly support universal social insurance, living wage proposals, prison sentences for white collar criminals, and tax hikes on millionaires. We could run on such wildly popular ideas, but instead, we run on morality lectures about how we love millionaire welfare, the Chamber of Commerce, free trade deals, coal, fetuses, endless wars, and the 1950s just as much as the party of book-burning Neo-Confederates. We spew nonsense about the evils of rap music, baggy pants, and profanity in movies because we hate President Negro McBlackenstein just as much as the Fox News commentators. We accept swimming pools filled with cash from millionaire welfare queens who support the economic agenda of 19th century Robber Barons. We justify such acceptance by pointing out that our donating investment bankers dont spend their days on cable news programs shrieking racial slurs like the other teams investment bankers, so everything will be fine, and were still good people, even though we do nothing while our cities crumble under convulsions of unemployment, bigotry, and needless suffering tied directly to poverty. We nominate feeble, gray-haired white people who possess five thousand dollar suits, five hundred dollar haircuts, and four dollar intellectual capacities. And were always shocked when we lose to people who genuinely believe in racial segregation and a six thousand year old planet. The fault is not in our stars, but in ourselves. #thisiswhywecanthavenicethings
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 15:37:30 +0000

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