Demographics: o World Jewish Population. 14 million o - TopicsExpress


Demographics: o World Jewish Population. 14 million o Distribution: 7 m in America 5 m in Asia 2 m in Europe 100 thousand in Africa o World Muslim Population: 1.5 billion o Distribution: 1 billion in Asia/Mid-East 400 M in Africa 44 M in Europe 6 M in the Americas o Every fifth human being is a Muslim. o For every single Hindu there are two Muslims o For every Buddhist there are two Muslims o For every Jew there are 107 Muslims o Yet the 14 million Jews are more powerful than the entire 1.5 billion Muslims Why? Here are some of the reasons. Movers of Current History o Albert Einstein Jewish o Sigmund Freud Jewish o Karl Marx Jewish o Paul Samuelson Jewish o Milton Friedman Jewish Medical Milestones o Vaccinating Needle: Benjamin Ruben Jewish o Polio Vaccine Jonas Salk Jewish o Leukaemia Drug Gertrude Elion Jewish o Hepatitis B Baruch Blumberg Jewish o Syphilis Drug Paul Ehrlich Jewish o Neuro muscular Elie Metchnikoff Jewish o Endocrinology Andrew Schally Jewish o Cognitive therapy. Aaron Beck Jewish o Contraceptive Pill Gregory Pincus Jewish o Understanding of Human Eye. G. Wald Jewish o Embryology. Stanley Cohen Jewish o Kidney Dialysis Willem Kloffcame Jewish Nobel Prize Winners o In the past 105 years, 14 million Jews have won 180 Nobel prizes whilst 1.5 billion Muslims have contributed only 3 Nobel winners Inventions that changed History o Micro- Processing Chip. Stanley Mezor Jewish o Nuclear Chain Reactor Leo Sziland Jewish o Optical Fibre Cable Peter Schultz Jewish o Traffic Lights Charles Adler Jewish o Stainless Steel Benno Strauss Jewish o Sound Movies Isador Kisee Jewish o Telephone Microphone Emile Berliner Jewish o Video Tape Recorder Charles Ginsburg Jewish Influential Global Business o Polo Ralph Lauren Jewish o Coca Cola Jewish o Levis Jeans Levi Strauss Jewish o Sawbucks Howard Schultz Jewish o Google Sergey Brin Jewish o Dell Computers Michael Dell Jewish o Oracle Larry Ellison Jewish o DKNY Donna Karan Jewish o Baskin & Robbins Irv Robbins Jewish o Dunkin Donuts Bill Rosenberg Jewish Influential Intellectuals/Politicians o Henry Kissinger , US Sec of State Jewish o Richard Levin, PresidentYaleUniversity Jewish o Alan Greenspan , US Federal Reserve Jewish o Joseph Lieberman Jewish o Madeleine Albright , US Sec of State Jewish o CasperWeinberger , US Sec of Defence Jewish o Maxim Litvinov , USSR Foreign Minister Jewish o DavidMarshal , Singapore Chief Minister Jewish o Isaacs Isaacs, Gov-GenAustralia Jewish o Benjamin Disraeli, British Statesman Jewish o Yevgeny Primakov, Russian PM Jewish o Barry Goldwater , US Politician Jewish o Jorge Sampaio, President Portugal Jewish o Herb Gray, Canadian Deputy - PM Jewish o Pierre Mendes, French PM Jewish o Michael Howard, British Home Sec. Jewish o Bruno Kriesky, Austrian Chancellor Jewish o Robert Rubin , US Sec of Treasury Jewish Global Media Influential o Wolf Blitzer, CNN Jewish o Barbara Walters ABC News Jewish o EugeneMeyer , Washington Post Jewish o Henry Grunwald, Time Magazine Jewish o Katherine Graham , Washington Post Jewish o Joseph Lelyeld, New York Times Jewish o Max Frankel, New York Times Jewish Global Philanthropists o George Soros Jewish o Walter Annenberg Jewish Why are they powerful? why are Muslims powerless? Heres another reason. We have lost the capacity to produce knowledge. o In the entire Muslim World (57 Muslim Countries) there are only 500 universities. o In USA alone, 5,758 universities o In India alone, 8,407 universities o Not one university in the entire Islamic World features in the Top 500 Ranking Universities of the World o Literacy in the Christian World 90% o Literacy in the Muslim World 40% o 15 Christian majority-countries, literacy rate 100% o Muslim majority - countries , None o 98% in Christian countries completed primary o Only 50% in Muslim countries completed primary. o 40% in Christian countries attended university o In Muslim countries a dismal 2% attended. o Muslim majority countries have 230 scientists per one million Muslims o The USA has 5000 per million o The Christian world 1000 technicians per million. o Entire Arab World only 50 technicians per million. o Muslim World spends on research/development 0.2% of GDP o Christian World spends 5 % of GDP Conclusion. o The Muslim World lacks the capacity to produce knowledge. Another way of testing the degree of knowledge is the degree of diffusing knowledge. o Pakistan 23 daily newspapers per 1000 citizens o Singapore 460 per 1000 citizens. o In UK book titles per million is 2000 o In Egypt book titles per million is only 17 Conclusion. o Muslim World is failing to diffuse knowledge Applying Knowledge is another such test. o Exports of high tech products from Pakistan is 0.9% of its exports. o In Saudi Arabia is 0.2% o Kuwait , Morocco and Algeria 0.3% o Singapore alone is 68% Conclusion. o Muslim World is failing to apply knowledge. What do you conclude? no need to tell the figures are speaking themselves very loudly we are unable to listen Advice: Please educate yourself and your children. always promote education, dont compromise on it, dont ignore your childrens slightest misguidance from education (and please, for Gods Sake, dont use your personal contacts or sources to promote your children in their education; if they fail, let them and make them learn to pass; b/c if they cant do it now, they cant ever). We are Worlds biggest and strongest nation, all we need is to identify and explore our ownselves. Our victory is with our knowledge, our creativity, our literacy and nothing else...Inshallah Reply to above msg This facts & data does not appeal to muslims as they have no capacity to apreciate this.So never improve their status. They are blinded by the influence that so called negative yahoodi described in religious lectures & scriptures, instead they just find a reason for all fitna & ptoblems in muslim world & feel satisfied blaming them... Actually yahudiyat is a quality representing superiority of self and too much of inclination towards worldly things as if there is no life in heteafter. But muslims have a mental complexity that just as they are muslims so are superior than anyone else in this world, but perform so poor yet think themselves to be the superiors .. This is real yahudiat so in a way muslims gained that status of yahud but no realisation so no help from Allah but just deterioration all the way leading nowhere. May Allah send mercy. Awaken reward us with the due status of the ummah. Indeed we oueselves are to be blamed for our miseries. Aameen
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 18:43:38 +0000

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