Demonology 101: Control and Manipulation The demonic spirit of - TopicsExpress


Demonology 101: Control and Manipulation The demonic spirit of CONTROL is kindred to the demonic spirit of MANIPULATION. The controlling spirits job is to seek POWER, AUTHORITY and DOMINANCE over the situation at hand, so that it can have the maximum advantage in carrying out its own agenda. But sometimes, the spirit of control isnt strong enough to be able to have its way directly, so it has to summon the spirit of manipulation to help it out. Once summoned, the manipulating spirits job is to SKILLFULLY INFLUENCE all parties that are involved by using DECEITFUL TACTICS. Once the unsuspecting victim(s) falls for the trick and LEGALLY gives up their rights/authority to the spirit of manipulation, then that person will ultimately come under the spirit of control. These two spirits will work together to bind their victim up and take everything from them. You cant defeat your enemy unless you know who your enemy is. In this case, there are two demonic spirits involved, therefore, there needs to be two layers of DELIVERANCE. Deliverance always starts with REPENTANCE. Repent and ask God to forgive you for any door that you may have opened for demonic play to take place in your life. These spirits couldnt have come into your life unless you gave them legal access. In this case, they gained access to you through compromise. After youve repented, and have finally come to the realization that you have been manipulated and dealt with treacherously, you have to REBUKE and CAST DOWN the spirit of manipulation in the name of JESUS. Once the spirit of manipulation has been EXPOSED for what it really is, it will try to use its CRAFTINESS to keep you bound to it. The spirit of manipulation will MANIFEST in the person and cause them to either have an outburst of WRATH in order to INTIMIDATE you and make you submit to it out of FEAR of confrontation, or it will cause the person to put on a look of distress so that you will have PITY on the person and apologize to them for hurting their feelings, thus allowing the spirit to have its way again. Dont fall for this TRICK! The spirit is attempting to use REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY to make it seem like youre the one in error instead of it. The way to combat these tactics of the manipulating spirit is to stand in BOLDNESS. Dont bend or compromise your stance, even if the spirit tries to intimidate or threaten you. Also, you need to pray for an increase in DISCERNMENT, so you can know how this spirit operates and when its manifesting, so you wont be fooled by it. Once the spirit of manipulation sees your CONSISTENCY and unwillingness to be influenced any longer, it will FLEE from you. Once the spirit of manipulation leaves, and you take back your authority and dominion over the situation, the spirit of control will lose its grip over you and it will flee also.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 03:19:30 +0000

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