Dems Turn On Obama And His Cop-Killer-Coddling Nominee Advice - TopicsExpress


Dems Turn On Obama And His Cop-Killer-Coddling Nominee Advice And Consent: In a stinging political defeat and a sign even Democrats are getting fed up with the White Houses in-your-face radicalism, the Senate has rejected Obamas controversial nominee for civil rights chief. In 2011, the president selected radical NAACP lawyer Debo Adegbile for a federal judgeship. But when the liberal bar hesitated to endorse him, and it became clear hed never survive a GOP filibuster, Obama withdrew his name from consideration. In November, however, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid took the drastic step of filibuster-proofing the Senate in order to ram though such radical nominees. In January, Obama re-nominated his old pal Adegbile — this time for the nations top civil rights post at the Justice Department, where he could do maximum damage as the racialist wrecking ball that he is. In February, the Democrat-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee rubber-stamped Adegbile, and his final confirmation appeared a formality. But during Wednesdays full Senate floor vote, Adegbile turned out to be too radical for even some Democrats to stomach. Seven thought better of voting for the advocate of a cold-blooded racist murderer and defected, refreshingly putting decency above politics. Before the vote, we urged Republicans to invite the widow of the police officer Adegbiles client shot in the back to the gallery and dare Democrats to push the aye button (Make Dems Sweat Before Confirming Cop Killers Backer, Feb. 19). Maureen Faulkner ended up visiting individually with key Democrats before the vote to plead with them to honor her slain husband, Philly cop Daniel Faulkner, and not reward Adegbile for what she termed the revolting work he did on behalf of his killer — Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal. The appeals worked. Several Democrats switched sides, including Sens. Chris Coons, D-Del.; Bob Casey, D-Pa.; Mark Pryor, D-Ark.; Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D.; Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.; Joe Donnelly, D-Ind.; and John Walsh, D-Mont. The Washington Post blamed election-year politics, arguing all seven defectors are politically vulnerable Democrats. While thats certainly the case for Pryor, who faces a tough re-election and is running as fast as he can from the unpopular president, its not as clear-cut for the others. Manchin explained, I made a conscientious decision after talking to the wife of the victim. More likely, Democrats are feeling a little queasy supporting Obama and his increasingly militant appointments and their racialist agendas. Adegbile was way outside the mainstream, and made Democrats unnecessarily uncomfortable. His nod was a thumb in the eye of law enforcement, not to mention a cruel and heartless slap at Mrs. Faulkner.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 02:17:14 +0000

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