Den Usynlige Væg -The Invisible Wall- Chapter One ~POV Kyra~ - TopicsExpress


Den Usynlige Væg -The Invisible Wall- Chapter One ~POV Kyra~ I shiver so bad its as if my body might fall apart any moment. I feel faint and my body, it was hard tomove. I was just about out of town limits when I fell to the ground, still awake and aware of whats going on. I was just about to pass out when I noticed a black figure walking steadily towards me. Once he was infront of me he kneeleddown looking at me. I was frightened as he kneeled before, I could not help but thinkthat he was going to hurt me, or worse. He came totake me back to that acursed place. I gasped a little trying as hard as I could to keep myself out of the bitter darkness that threatened to swallow me at any moment. Dont ...take me,back. I barlywhisper to the man who started to pick me up, though I barly felt this as mybodywas becoming numb from the cold. Damn blizzard, I managed tosay just before the darkness tookhold and I passed out. ~POV Loki~ I smile slightly and leave my little house towalk in the snow storm. Snow was never uncomfortable to me I though bitterlyto myself as I walk away frommyhouse more. I pass a snow drift and see a dark lump in the snow moving slowly, up and down, up and down. This steadymotion was hypnotizing and I walked towards the moving lumb with out reazlizing I did sountil I was right in front of it. I lookdown at the thing and see its a human girl that has collapts. I kneel down and in a spilt second decision and picked up the human. When I start to carry her off all I hear is a quiet whisper saying, Dont...take me, back. I lookdown to see she finallypassed out. I feel a new emotion that flutters a little little in my chest. I can feel my face heat up and I can only thinkin confusion as I walk back to myhome, Whyis this happening? Why do I feel like this. ~POV Kyra~ Darkness. Bitterness. Whydoes this always happen to me? Everytime I go and sleep I have these nightmares. They horrifyme tothe point where I wont sleep for days. So for me to sleep this long without any dream, it...scares me a little more then when I get the nightmares. I must be dead right. I look aroundin the darkness and see dreams that were once reality. Now I ran fromit all never returning to where I have originally came from. Never. Drag me to hell if I do. I blink as I openmy eyes a little groggily. The light burned my eyes slightly and I happen to smell something sweet and bitter at the same time. It was weird and I...liked it. I turn myhead to see a man sitting next tomybed reading. I just stay quiet and watch himas he read. He had blackhair that flowed tohis neckline, his bangs were slicked backso all of his forehead showed. I felt a tingle in mythought and I coughed a little to stop the uncomfortible sensation. He looked fromhis bookto me and saw that I was awake. Your sick, you need to rest. The man says to me sternlybefore he picked up his book to read again. I look at this man in counfusion and he could obviously see that I was scared when I just sat there not talkingat all. I thougt, Why didnt he take me back to my home? Whydid he not call the police, and make a big sene from this? What was he after? All questions I hate no answer for. Whydid you safe me? I whispered to the man. He looked stuned for a second and shook his head. This was not kindness this was out of keeping human feelings. he says looking down at me with a intence glare. I cowared under it and intenedto keep mymouth shut after that. His glare turned into a soft expression out of no whereThis scared me a little more then the glare because at least with the glare I know its true.. I wonder what he ment about human feelings made no sense tome whats-o-ever. ~POV Loki~ I carried the girl inside and laid her on mybed. I covered her in my blanket and felt her head, a slight fever. I sighed, I didnt even know why I did this. My instincts took over before sense of mind took place. I sit in mychair thats next to my bed and then I start to read. Not long after heard a little cough and lookdown to see the young girl awake. Your sick, you need to rest. I say sternly though why I do not s not like this girl is my child...sowhy? She laid there in silence and I looked in her eyes. She was petrafied, though something seemed to click in her mind as she opened her mouth to ask. Whydid you safe me? She whisperd to me softly. I was takenbackin shock, though felt my insides run wild I controled it tomybest abilitys. This was not kindness this was out if keeping human feelings. I say glaring at the girl totry and get the point to her that I did not save her out of pity. She looked at me in fear and cowared into the blankets more. //this one is aslo mine//
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 10:51:02 +0000

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