Denboba Natie (This message has been posted on Jim Murphys page - TopicsExpress


Denboba Natie (This message has been posted on Jim Murphys page this morning by me) Mr Murphy and the others Red Tory Associates, You and your likes brought such utter shame and ignominy to Scotland and its gallant peoples. Ive travelled from far Africa to study here in the land of inventors, pioneers and genius Scientists - incredible Scots who have tremendously contributed to the world of Science, Technology, Humanity and the rest. Yet, you the Pro-Union Scots involving Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling and the rest have belittled your own people arguing about erroneous fact that Scotland is incapable of handling its own affairs alone without being baby-sat by the Westminster. The reality is that Scotland is capable of leading the entire Europe let alone its own affairs in all respect. Perhaps, besides, in a Free, Fair and Independent Scotland you might not be able to loot the resources of Scots for your own personal wealth the reason why you all beneficiaries are bitterly fighting to maintain the status unworkable, unfair quo. The dream of the majority of Scots is having their land into their own hands to manage their own affairs to created fair, free and internationally respected country of their own, not loathed as the current reality show as it is unwillingly attached to the Westminster and its illegal wars and invasions of sovereign countries. . I feel ashamed and utterly embarrassed on behalf of you all pro-Union Scots. Because of your Scaremongering campaign targeting the less informed and the minority groups all who have benefited from the Union at the expenses of majority, you managed to deceive 2.1million into voting No. However, you are going to pay for such treachery and becoming the worst Quislings and renegade anti-Scottish interest pariahs ever- very soon which you all will see after 2015 GE. I can see things from their long term benefits, thus have researched the potential of positives and negatives your government has brought to Scotland and its peoples in the last nearly 15 years of my time in my beloved adopted land. Since I came to this noble Country to pursue my postgraduate study in 2000 and subsequently settled after my completion; I have seen extremely heart breaking poverty, deprivation, dehumanisation and depersonalisation of the working class Scots under both Labour and the current Tory government. Moreover, in addition to funding trident with billions, it is you and your government who has funded unnecessary and illegal Iraqi and Afghanistan war costing tax payers including myself several billions which could have been used to alleviate poverty and deprivations crippling the Scots (for whom you joked or laughed at by leaving shopping bags for food bank for the problem you and your government have created- just a week ago). The lives of the Scots who have sacrificed on such wars is heart breaking. As a critical person who can understand such ugly global order, I feel ashamed of you all pro-Union Scots. You all are benefiting by the sufferings of the majority of Scots by making millions to satisfy your individualistic greedy interests. The above 21st tragedy unfolding in one of the richest countries on earth, which is my adopted country beautiful Scotland is beyond comprehension simply because such tragedies shouldnt be unfolding in Scotland under whatsoever definitions. As we speak, you are campaigning to maintain the Status-quo which never happens. The sleeping Lions and Lionesses (Scots) have waken up!! Call me Liar on the 8/9 May 2015!! Saor Alba!!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 20:22:09 +0000

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