Deneice Kenehan found this. Good job Deneice. In general team - TopicsExpress


Deneice Kenehan found this. Good job Deneice. In general team please try to use quote marks to show us where you are speaking versus where the citations pick up. This is an excellent overview of the oil and gas dynamic behind the oppression of Gaza: Guess What? Lots Of Oil, Natural Gas In Gaza! A Secret Behind Israels Siege of Gaza: Palestinians Have Oil and Natural Gas Resources Martha Rose Crow, M.S. 1-7-9 there is an abundance of oil reserves both on the strip and offshore The Palestinians are, in aggregate, energy rich. For the past six years, the Palestinian Authority has been sitting on a major gas field that contains at least 1.4 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of gas. epalestine/PalestineEnergy.pdf Palestine was rewarded with an oil reserve 22 miles off of the coast of the Gaza Strip. The entire country was excited by this natural mineral that would hopefully provide them with the economic freedom and financial stability they desired. Unfortunately, the financial success did not come directly on the heels of their discovery oilandgasinvestingglossary/palestines... To find the real reasons behind conflicts and wars in this world, you need to follow some or all of four things: Money, blood, power or natural resources (usually oil or natural gas but it can be cobalt like in the Congo). Oil is behind the conflicts in Darfur, Somalia and other similar places. The war in Afghanistan was never about finding bin Laden. It was about uniting Afghanistan into a single government so a pipeline could be constructed to bring a million barrels a day from areas north of Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Russia to markets (lewrockwell/orig/sardi7.html). [...] But developing Palestines energy resources wouldnt be in Israels self-interest. The oil and gas revenues would empower the Palestinians. They wouldnt have to starve to death or struggle in poverty. Empowered Palestinians would be able to invest in infrastructure of their legal government, Hamas. Israel wants the Palestinians crushed and disappeared so Israel can expand its territories for its citizens, have better access to the sea for its navy and serve as watchdog for US and Israeli hegemony. Israel wants the Palestinians oil and gas for its own because Israel needs it for its countrys needs. Middle eastern countries are loathe to sell their supplies to Israel. The rulers and people of area countries know that Israel has been slaughtering their Muslim kin for over six decades and it is against their morals to help Israel with energy supplies, especially fuel for Israeli tanks, airplanes and military vehicles. To thwart Palestine from developing its energy supplies, Israel keeps the region in turmoil plus in 2005, Israel delivered a major blow to the Palestinians fledgling oil industry by choosing to import natural gas from Egypt. By doing this, Israel completely bypassed its neighbor in favor of making a political statement. The Israeli government feared that any money given to Palestine would be later used to fund acts of terrorism against (Israel.oilandgasinvestingglossary/palestines...) Finding information about Palestines oil and gas resources is difficult. Even wikipedia doesnt mention it nor do most encyclopedias and other academic resources. [...] Palestinian oil and gas is no secret in the energy field. Its just a secret to everyone else. Guess What? Lots Of Oil, Natural Gas In Gaza! rense
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 12:33:51 +0000

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