Denis Napthine’s Spin Not Making Train Stations Safer Denis - TopicsExpress


Denis Napthine’s Spin Not Making Train Stations Safer Denis Napthines law and order agenda is falling apart with a massive increase in assaults and thefts at railway stations, Shadow Minister for Police, Jacinta Allan, said today. Ms Allan said Victoria Police statistics showed assaults jumped 20 per cent at train stations in 2012-13 compared with 2008-09 and thefts were up 34 per cent – a five year high under Denis Napthine’s watch. “Train travellers would rightly feel concerned for their safety as Denis Napthines law and order agenda falls apart,” Ms Allan said. “Denis Napthine cannot hide or spin his way out of his failures to protect Victorian commuters, the statistics don’t lie, crimes against the person are up 3.2 per cent. “No amount of spin from Denis Napthine, Transport Minister, Terry Mulder or Police Minister, Kim Wells can hide the facts that crime at train stations have risen under the Napthine Government. “Denis Napthines $100 million in cuts to Victoria Police and the sacking of 400 staff is placing significant pressure on frontline Police and PSO resources. “Denis Napthine is spending nearly $5 million on advertising for PSO recruitment which is behind schedule and massively over budget, costing Victorian taxpayers to date more than $437 million. “Denis Napthine has delivered three consecutive years of crime rises in Victoria for the first time in more than a decade and, without properly resourcing Victoria Police to tackle crime, it is likely to continue rising under his Government.”
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 23:36:08 +0000

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