Dennis Leahy Options for this story A new friend of mine created - TopicsExpress


Dennis Leahy Options for this story A new friend of mine created a post defending Obama from an attack by her Republican friend. Those who know me know Im done with the corporatist duopoly factions (and even third parties), but I took the opportunity to provide some input she wasnt going to hear from her other friends. =========================== It doesnt matter if you only list what you think is bad about Obama, or only list what you think is good about Obama - you will be dismissed as a kook. And, deservedly so. Its not even that no one is perfect, it is a matter of honest citizens sitting back and objectively examining domestic and foreign policy, the elected officials, and the entire electoral paradigm. Anyone who assigns a score of A or B or even C to the US federal government in at least the past 4 decades is ill-informed, and probably a partisan robot. If we are to be taken seriously, we decry war, the war paradigm, the war-for-profit paradigm, drone bombings, secret prisons, rendition and torture. We dont look to see if an R or a D is tattooed on someones butt first, and use that to decide if the POLICY they support is sane, loving, compassionate, peaceful...and right. If we say it was illegal, immoral, and wrong for GW Bush to create and support these policies, then we damn well better have the integrity and the consistency to admit they are 100% equally wrong when they become the policies of the Obama administration. The huge mistake is that people are picking a side: Democrat or Republican, when what we citizens SHOULD be doing is picking a side: citizens or corporations. □ Choose corporations: If you are happily within the investment class, pulling in dividends and creating a high net worth - and if this is what is important to you in life - then choose corporations. You may need to purchase some of the Big Pharma corporate pills to help you cope if you have a conscience, and actually pay attention enough to realize that these corporate profits are to a huge extent blood money, as the most profitable corporations cause death, human suffering, and ecocide. If you choose corporations, then defend the electoral paradigm just exactly the way it is: two corporatist parties pre-selecting Elite-aligned corporatists to ensure the Elite agenda becomes policy. Be honest: if you believe that big business, big corporate business (at any cost) is the life-blood of the US and should be maintained as the status quo, choose corporations, and as your corporate champion, pick either of the corporate duopoly parties you prefer. The two corporatist duopoly parties ARE different - on issues like gay rights. But dont worry, if you want a corporatist champion, either one will do just fine. □ Choose citizens: If, on the other hand, you do not believe in fascism/corporatism and collusion between elected government officials and corporations (notably, international banks and multinational corporations), and believe in the concept of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, then choose citizens. This ideological position will allow you to decry the ACTIONS of both corporatist duopoly political parties - everything from support of the war-for-profit paradigm, using US troops and assets to support and defend imperialist international mega-corporations worldwide who kill and exploit people and the ecosystem, the mind-numbing policies of rendition, torture and indefinite detainment, support for GMO food, the pro-medical insurance industry and Big Pharma-aligned pseudo-health-care bill, the surveillance state, the police state, the for-profit prison industry, ... the list could go on for a full page. If you choose citizens, then the electoral paradigm is the problem. You see, the current electoral paradigm is set-up and maintained by the duopoly corporatist parties. Theres no getting around it: if you choose citizen, you cannot do a damn thing about the fact that citizens have no representation. Only corporations have representation. Are you one of those people who believes that only the journey is important? Or do you put the emphasis on the destination? If it is just the journey, you are in luck! You can simply live your life the best way you can, stay away from the corporate world as much as possible, and you can either boycott voting, or vote Green, Socialist, etc. Nothing will ever change, but youll know that you lived honorably on the journey. If the journey is important, but you have a burning desire for actual change - that is, the destination would be alleviation of that giant list of things that you decry, and that the US would actually achieve a government of the people, throwing corporatism out... well, I have good news and bad news for you. The bad news is that the entire current US political system is against you. The Elite (Financial Elite and Power Elite) are against you. All of the robotic, brain-dead, partisan citizens are against you (and their own best interests.) Even most political activists are... well, not deliberately against you, but locked-in to some niche activism or to a tried-and-failed strategy - so dont expect emotional support. The largest activist movements have never even correctly analyzed the problem, and so of course, do not offer a real solution. The good news is The Reset Button Movement. Finally, the problem of how the Elite remain in complete control of governance by completely controlling the electoral paradigm has been examined and analyzed. There are no minor tweaks or anything ultra-simplistic (such as overturning Citizens United) that will actually fix the problem, but by examining then reverse-engineering the methods (there are 9) that the Elite use to maintain control, a comprehensive plan takes shape. You will be told - by well-meaning activists - that it is impossible, too big, too much change. Is it really? Unless we citizens force major change in the electoral paradigm, the Elite will continue rule us all. Unless we stop ALL 9 of their methods of control over the electoral paradigm, they will remain as the Ruling Elite. The Reset Button is the first plan and strategy ever offered that could actually take the Elite out of power, and put ordinary citizens in power. Is it worth your time to read it? ResetButtonMovement.Org
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 13:35:13 +0000

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