Deplorable, awful & embarrassing state of our Roads. Potholes in - TopicsExpress


Deplorable, awful & embarrassing state of our Roads. Potholes in Zimbabwes urban roads are increasingly causing havoc to motorists and cyclists thanks to uncaring local authorities. The main problem is that hundreds of millions of dollars raised in vehicle related taxation each year from the the persecuted motorists, only a fraction is actually spent repairing and improving the road network in Zimbabwean towns and cities. The amount of damage caused by potholes to cars makes it criminal to pay road tax, there is no justification as to why drivers should license their cars with so much potholes, which are developing into small rivers and lakes in city centres. The trouble is it has gone beyond holes into unusable roads. I have seen several roads in most towns l have visited where the road surface has completly disintigrated and the councils aint interested. They will come and patch the worst ones but that doesnt help the problem. Its often when a good road has been repaired by patching potholes the problems start. Our urban roads just need resurfacing as simple as that and dont waste tax payers money and time in patching tired roads. Suing the local authorities for damages and accidents caused by potholes is not an option, its just a waste of time in Zimbabwe as there are zero chances of winning. Our roads are simply appalling, driving now a nightmare on these hazardous roads.You can tell the state of a country by the state of its roads. Three decades of underinvestment, deregulated utilities and lack of transport policy have produced the inevitable result and the situation remains unaddressed!
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 16:17:18 +0000

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