Depravity in Idaho makes the news again. Now we have a hunting - TopicsExpress


Depravity in Idaho makes the news again. Now we have a hunting group that calls itself Idaho for Wildlife seeking a five-year special recreation permit from the BLM to hold predator-killing contests near Salmon each winter for the next five years. They held one last year in December. The primary targets are wolves and coyotes. Idaho is doing all the right things to ensure the demise of its tourism economy. Theyre holding sadistic killing derbies that may be a turn-on to local mental midgets but arent going to be attractive to most potential visitors. On top of that, state leaders are dead serious about getting rid of public lands in the state just as fast as they can. Not exactly a boon to a tourism economy that is fueled by millions of acres of federal wilderness, national forests, and wild rivers. Maybe they forgot about that? According to the BLM, next year’s event is scheduled for Jan. 2-4. A point system would be established and applied to different predators, and participants would compete for the most points. Coyotes, skunks, weasels, jackrabbits, raccoons and starlings are classified by Idaho law as predatory. Predatory wildlife may be taken in any number year-round and at any time by holders of a hunting license. Wolves would also be a targeted species. There would be no trapping allowed. All Idaho Fish and Game hunting rules would apply. A 15-day comment period for the application ends Oct. 16. Comments will be considered as the agency writes an environmental assessment. Information regarding the EA can be found at The BLM asks that people who submit comments focus on issues that are under the BLM’s authority, which include impacts to recreation, wildlife habitat and social and economic values. The BLM does not manage for wildlife or determine hunting regulations; the Idaho Department of Fish and Game has authority over all hunting regulations regardless of land jurisdiction. Submit comments by mail to BLM, 1206 S. Challis St., Salmon, ID 83467, attention predator hunt derby SRP, or by email at [email protected]. For more information on the application, contact the BLM Salmon Field Office at 208-756-5425.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 01:39:14 +0000

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