Depression kills and people need to stop talking about suicide as - TopicsExpress


Depression kills and people need to stop talking about suicide as the cowards way out. I lost someone very important to me to will be 3 years on Sept 6...and I know for a fact he was not a coward. He was one of the strongest people Ive ever known and he had overcome a lot in life. He suffered from depression and did not seek help. He probably did not seek help because of comments like suicide is the cowards way out. He put on his brave front, much like this article describes, and never let anyone know how much he was struggling. It makes me so angry when I hear or see comments about people with depression & suicidal thoughts being weak or cowardly. When people are suicidal they feel like they are a burden to the people they love. This makes suicide look like a logical solution to their problems. Its a symptom of depression - feeling hopeless, helpless, and worthless. Its part of the illness, not a character flaw. We as a society need to be more compassionate and educated about depression and suicide in general. If you suspect someone you know is suicidal, please take it seriously. Let them know you care and that there are people that can help. Calling one of the suicide hotlines can connect you with local resources. Make the call for them or with them if they are scared, but please encourage them to seek help.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 01:05:06 +0000

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