Derick Schuhart I promised to you, at the assembly of our WI TEA - TopicsExpress


Derick Schuhart I promised to you, at the assembly of our WI TEA Party coalition, that I would provide you with a hotlink to one of my colleagues in the cause of freedom, who is a Senior Fellow at Von Mises and who was an economics adviser to Gorbachev/U.S.S.R.. As I told you his name is Yuri Maltsev. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yuri Nicholas Maltsev (Russian: Ю́рий Никола́евич Ма́льцев) is an Austrian school economist and economic historian. He is a Professor of Economics at the Carthage College in Wisconsin and is a Senior Fellow of the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama. Maltsev graduated from Moscow State University with a Master of Arts in History and Social Sciences (1973) and received his Doctorate of Philosophy in Labor Economics from the Institute for Labor Research in Moscow (1980). Maltsev held, over a fifteen-year period, various teaching and research positions in Moscow, Russia. Before moving to the U.S. in 1989, he was a member of a team of Soviet economists that worked on President Gorbachevs reforms package of perestroika at the Russian Academy of Sciences. He was a Program Director of the International Center for Development Policy and a Peace Fellow at the United States Institute of Peace in Washington, DC. Maltsev has appeared on PBS Newshour, CNN, C-SPAN, Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Radio Free Market, National Public Radio, Wisconsin Public Radio and Danish, British, Lithuanian, Russian, Spanish, and Finnish television and radio programs. On June 8, 2010, he was a guest of The Glenn Beck Program. In the episode, Beck revealed – and Maltsev confirmed – that reading of prohibited and samizdat books like Hayeks The Road to Serfdom in the Soviet Union was a crime punishable by jail time. Maltsev has taught at the Luigi Bocconi University in Milan, Italy, LCC International University in Klaipėda and Baltic Management Institute in Vilnius, Lithuania, University of Caen in Cherbourg, France, University of Dallas in Texas, and University of San Diego, California. Maltsev serves as a member of the advisory boards of the Foundation for Economic Education in Irvington-On-Hudson, New York; Heartland Institute in Chicago; and the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics published by Transaction Periodicals, Rutgers University. He is listed in the Guide to Public Policy Experts of the Heritage Foundation since 1991. Writings on socialism Maltsev writes regular articles on the politics and economics of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, United States and the world economy having formerly worked as an economist in the Soviet Academy of Sciences, as well as for the U.S. federal government at the United States Institute of Peace in Washington, DC, a federal research agency. Maltsev may be the only person to have briefed senior leaders on both sides during the last stages of the Cold War. He is a contributing author and editor of the book Requiem for Marx. He has contributed to ten books including Encyclopedia of World Poverty, Reassessing American Presidency and Property, Freedom, and Society: Essays in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe, and published over two hundred articles in the Journal of Commerce, Christian Science Monitor, Free Market, Newsday, San Diego Union Tribune, American Journal for Physicians and Surgeons, Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Daily Iowan, Kenosha News, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Seattle Times and the Washington Times. During his time in Russia, Maltsev was a member of a team of Soviet economists that worked on President Mikhail Gorbachev’s policy of perestroika. He is highly critical of the political leaders of the Soviet Union and Russia and their attempts to preserve socialist and statist policies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I informed you, according to my World economic research I have reason to believe that in the not distant future the U.S. Dollar will experience a hyperinflationary collapse which will bring an end to The Matrix our computer generated dream world economy based on money that doesnt even exist but in our collective programmed imaginations printed and digitized out of thin air, for decades now, and actually is the cause of the symptoms of Q4 2008 toxic assets and sub prime mortgage crisis. I would say that there is an 85% chance of a sudden hyperinflationary event resulting in the National and International markets revaluing the Dollar to parity with its tiny remnant of remaining underlying hard assets now at a relative value of less than two cents. However, due to nightmarish economic principles of Congress and The Executive branch, by way of utter contempt for the rule of our Ninth and Tenth Amendment laws, such as the hours and job killing horrors of Obamacare, there is also a 15% chance of a deflationary spiral to economic collapse, dependent on whether The FED can figure out a way to get vast amounts of fiat money into The Matrix likely in addition to their seeding of the financial markets, hoping for precipitation into the labor market and thus the computer generated dream world economy. - Capt. Karl
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 02:20:53 +0000

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