Desire and hope will push us on toward the future. -Michel De - TopicsExpress


Desire and hope will push us on toward the future. -Michel De Montaigne Im guilty. Im kind of noisy sometimes. In this digital age its becoming easier and easier to find out things. Most of these things didnt need to be shared to begin with. What ends up happening is one of two things. We either get involved in something we have no business in or we get jealous of what others have. What does God want us to know about this subject? Psalm 37:1-9 Don’t get upset about evil people.Don’t be jealous of those who do wrong. They are like grass and other green plants that dry up quickly and then die. So trust in the Lord and do good.Live on your land and be dependable. Enjoy serving the Lord,and he will give you whatever you ask for. Depend on the Lord.Trust in him, and he will help you. He will make it as clear as day that you are right.Everyone will see that you are being fair. Trust in the Lord and wait quietly for his help.Don’t be angry when people make evil plans and succeed. Don’t become so angry and upset that you, too, want to do evil. The wicked will be destroyed,but those who call to the Lord for help will get the land he promised. What started me thinking about this was when I was having lunch the other day at a restaurant and the tv that was in front of me was talking about Russia and the Ukraine fighting and that the USA might get involved. Right there in Denton Texas at the Ghangis Grill I said a prayer for God to show us how to take care of US. To remove the thoughts of involving ourselves in others conflict from the minds of our leaders. I also asked God to show me how to live a better happier life. This is the passage I was lead to. Right about then is when the light bulb went off. The things we need to do for our country to be better and our lives to be better personally are the same. The passage above says that we should be jealous of others who do evil. I take that to say dont worry about them look out for your own. It says to live on your land and be dependable and live for The Lord and do good and He will make things right and give what we need and ask for. Funny thing how we always forget that to truly experience the relationship we can have in Christ we have to let Him be in control. Now dont get me wrong its not like we can lay up in the shade and do nothing and then get mad when we starve but if we are doing what God wants things will always work out. Remember I wrote about Elijah a while back? As he was fleeing the king God told him to go find the widow woman and have her feed him. She didnt want to at first because there wasnt much food but when she trusted God there was always enough. Only seeing parts of something and not talking with God can cause us to go and get ourselves in a bad way. But if we take care of our friends, our family and ourselves in a God centered way we will always have what we need.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 03:42:22 +0000

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