Desperate Attempts by Muslims in Perth (part3) Deceitful - TopicsExpress


Desperate Attempts by Muslims in Perth (part3) Deceitful information in the promotional materials they use are many. I am going to highlight a very few of them: Allah: “the term has no plural or gender”: What about Aleha (gods) and Ellat (female). Revelation from God and scientific facts that were not known before the Quran is all fallacy. The accurate historicity of the Quran is a fraud. That the Quran is free from any errors is debated with hundreds of evidences by Muslim clerics. That the Quran has been preserved word for word is another big lie proven by the many versions of Qurans that are available. That Mohammad is the ideal husband, may be true if he did not marry more than nine documented wives. At the end, I want to bring to the reader’s attention that this is a known strategy that Muslims lean toward, when they face pressure from society to clean up their act and stop supporting their terrorists and jihadists. Muslims are lovely humans who have been indoctrinated by wrong teachings about the Creator. Anyone who would like to learn more about Islam, or the topic of Islam, please contact the Author. Dear Muslims, we love you not because of your beliefs but because of ours.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 06:44:28 +0000

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