Desperate Better Together idiot David Cameron has handed the rich - TopicsExpress


Desperate Better Together idiot David Cameron has handed the rich a massive tax break while hammering the poorest with more spending cuts yet again. Cameron has now promised £7.2billion of tax cuts for the well-off – leaving them £1,900 a year better off. And the cash will come from £25billion slashed from town halls, education, police, welfare and other vital services. Of course, the clown cant tell us where the money is coming from. Even the Tories admit this is an unfunded commitment of over £7 billion, so how will they pay for it? Will they raise VAT on families and pensioners again? In a naked election bribe, he said he would raise the 40p tax threshold from £41,900 to £50,000 by 2020. To sugar the pill he also announced the basic rate before you start paying tax would rise from £10,500 to £12,500. Sounds great eh !!! Heres how it works though........................... While a worker on £12,500 would save £500 a year, someone earning £50,000 would keep £1,900 extra. Those earning up to £123,000 would be £484 richer. And the £500 tax cut for basic rate earners will be almost wiped out by George Osborne’s raid on in-work benefits like Tax Credits etc that affects those at the lower end of the pay scale. Cameron has claimed the Tories were now the party of “compassion and social justice” - but has obviously failed to mention the bedroom tax or the 900,000 people having to use foodbanks since his government came to power.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 10:44:08 +0000

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