Desperate times call for desperate faith Part 1- God prepares you - TopicsExpress


Desperate times call for desperate faith Part 1- God prepares you in advance... Daktari, woooi si huyu mama atakufa?! Si uulize wenzako wengine watoe damu tumwekee asikufe? was the Maternity Nurses desperate plea to me... It was around 9pm... I was an intern at that time and I wasnt even rotating in the Obs/Gyn department: the nurse met me in the corridor as she was running from the lab after having established there was no blood for a mother who had just delivered a bouncing baby boy, but was losing tremendous amounts of blood (PPH or Post Partum Hemorrhage). She begun begging me to help and I didnt understand why she never asked me to donate blood myslelf... or was it my body size that discouraged her? Hehehe. I was the size of Njugush aka Timohuyu at that time. Maybe if I was like Gerald or at least Abel she would have considered me as a donor. Well, I ran to find my colleagues and their responses were pretty much the same OH HECK NO! ME... GIVE MY BLOOD? THEY HAVE TO TEST IT AND I AM NOT TOO SURE OF MYSELF (read status)! So I ran back to the maternity ward where the woman was to tell them there was no hope and wed have to wait till the next day... When I saw the mother I was heart broken! Her breathing was shallow and she was pale as... let me not say it... she was paper white! Her pulse was so weak we all knew shed never make it to the next hour, let alone the next day. I then turned to the nurses and ask THEM to donate their own blood and the stories begun Ai, I am too old... or you know, I delivered just recently... or I am afraid coz I don;t know my status!. I took another look at the mother and decided what the heck! I am group O+ and I am sure my status is negative so lets do this! The nurses begun to protest but doc, your weight... Oh, so that was it! My 1 KB was the problem! I was like chill ladies, we cool. I am not thin, I am slim... well, i thought it coz I was already running to the lab with the nurse close behind me. Long story short, I donated blood to the lady, she recovered and went home with her baby within a week. Someone claims I bought her flowers but I dont recall that bit. All I know is that I visited her every 3 hours to be sure God had answered the prayer I had said while in the lab. This was 2 years before the Moyale incident which I have already written about. I guess I was being prepared for it... all I needed to do was upgrade my faith to conducting the surgery right after donating my blood. God always prepares us in advance!
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 09:33:08 +0000

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