**Despite all Odds** Episode 16 washed her palms with - TopicsExpress


**Despite all Odds** Episode 16 washed her palms with tears. ********* Blinking rapidly, she counted the ceiling boxes. Its close to daybreak and she hasnt slept a wink. She tried pulling the covers over her head, but to no avail. The rumbling sound coming from her stomach was enough to give her a sleepless night. She rolled to the edge of her bed, and remained in that position for a while only for her to jump up when felt something bite her stomach. It was like the hunger was increasing with time, her stomach wall was on fire. Rubbing her stomach as if to pacify it, she walked to the fridge in her room, it was almost empty except the few bottles of water in it. Kemi stopped buying Beverages for her since she exhausted them all in a few days. Her eyes rolled to the wallclock. four-fifteen.She muttered. Nobody ate dinner the night before, due to the incident that occured in Folakes room. Kemi fell ill; after weeping for a long time, her husband rang the doctor and nobody mentioned food. Pulling her night robe over her, she walked briskly to the kitchen still clutching her belly. She opened the fridge, freezer, almost all the drawers for any ready-made food, she settled for raw noodles. Balancing on a table, she munched the crunchy raw noodles, drinking ice cold water at intervals. Sasha? she jumped, almost choking. What are you doing up this early? Kemi asked walking into the kitchen. I.., Sasha observed her sister, she looked pale, though better than what shes looking like the night before. Youre hungry? Kemi asked concerned, whilst eyeing the half eaten pack of noodles. Sasha nodded quickly, drinking some water. sorry, I wasnt able to cook dinner yesternight, you guys could have ordered something from the eatery close by... Oh, Aunty Kemi dont worry, I-we are fine. Sasha smiled. Fine? By eating raw noodles? Kemi asked. Its okay and filling. Sasha replied. Not good for your health. Kemi walked over to the sink. Maybe, you should help out in the kitchen since youre awake. Okay. Sasha replied stuffing more noodles into her mouth. Sasha keep that away. Kemi instructed. Okay. Sasha replied pushing the remaing piece into her already filled mouth. Which reminds me. Sasha? Mah? Could you do me a favour? Kemi wasnt sure. Could you please wake Sister Folake, she has a flight to catch by six Sasha groaned. Cmon. Do this for you helpless sister, you know I cant face her.. Kemi pleaded. Okay.. Sasha walked out of the kitchen a different thought on her mind. She went halfway to the room Folake occupied,and started prancing about, what was she going to do? she has to stop the journey, atleast for Micheals sake. Kemi was whisking some eggs, when she felt an arm around her. Baby, I warned you to stay in bed, I could do all this. Tunji nibbled at her earlobe. But you kept alot of people hungry yesternight? Mr Chef? Kemi scoffed wiping her hand on her apron. Well, I had to be with you. Tunji defended himself. You wont believe my sister was up by four eating raw noodles. Kemi hugged him. Tunji was about to speak when Sasha walked in. Aunt...errm Uncle Teejay good morning. Mornin raw indomie lady. Tunji teased. Not my fault. Sasha laughed. Aunty, she said she isnt leaving till eight in the morning. She said with a neutral face. But I thought... Kemi started to say. Yeeesss! I told her that too, but she said their flight has been rescheduled. Sasha cut her short. You mean Folake? Tunji asked. Kemi nodded. I was expecting such too, The aviation services is really depreciating. He added. Kemi eyed Sasha, she couldnt trust her. Aunty, you can ask her yourself if you dont believe me o. Sasha raised her palms up. That isnt necessary. So what are we cooking for breakfast? Tunji changed the topic. You wish, Mr chef! Kemi replied. okay....Step back everybody and watch Me do my recipee. Tunji said in an important tone to their amusement Sasha laughed too, but deep within her she wished Folake wont wake up till she missed the flight.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 17:49:04 +0000

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