Despite footage obviously showing a combative police response, - TopicsExpress


Despite footage obviously showing a combative police response, HISD released a statement claiming student safety was their “absolute top priority,” and that they’ll investigate what led the cops to respond in that manner. “The safety of our students at Sam Houston High School and of all our schools is always our absolute top priority. The HISD police department and the school’s administration are continuing their investigations of what led to the detainment of a female student yesterday. “ Indeed, the Houston ISD police officers’ overreaction is something that would not seem out of place in authoritarian regimes such as North Korea. “As problematic as all of these programs are, however, what’s really unnerving are the similarities between the American system of public education and that of totalitarian regimes such as Nazi Germany, with their overt campaigns of educational indoctrination,” writes Rutherford Institute president John W. Whitehead on “The Death of Freedom in Our Schools.” “And while those who run America’s schools may not be deliberately attempting to raise up a generation of Hitler Youth, they are teaching young people to march in lockstep with the all-powerful government—which may be just as dangerous in the end.”
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 05:03:44 +0000

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