Despite the fact that, it was done by a fairly Liberal pollster, - TopicsExpress


Despite the fact that, it was done by a fairly Liberal pollster, polls have been wrong a lot lately, Conservative numbers have been consistently underestimated by pollsters and Liberal numbers overestimated, along with the pollster stating he believes the gap will significantly narrow as the election nears, plus the fact that things can change in a campaign as weve seen, the latest federal poll from Atlantic Canada showing the Trudeau Liberals with 55% support is yet another example of Atlantic Canadians in a rush to the bottom. It shows once again how too many Atlantic Canadians are excited to vote against their own best interests. With his constant demonstration of his utter incompetence and dangerous attitude and associations, how could anyone in their right mind support a Trudeau government? That same mentality is whats led to the election of Mickey Mouse Premiers in Atlantic Canada like Shawn Graham, Stephen McNeil and Brian Gallant, plus the same mentality that has the people of Newfoundland chomping at the bit to elect a Liberal government there. Liberal governments kill jobs and hold back opportunities nearly everywhere theyre elected. I didnt mention Robert Ghiz in that list because I respect Robert Ghiz. Although I dont agree with many of his policies, hes smart and deserves to be Premier. He and a few other Liberals including Frank McKenna are at least sensible and think before they act. Ill give credit where its due, but I wont give credit to idiocy. Theres too much willingness by Atlantic Canadians to elect leaders who dont deserve to be elected because they have no idea of what theyre even talking about(i.e. Trudeau, Gallant and McNeil, Trudeau being the worst in that regard by far). Too much willingness to elect leaders who have committed to hurting our provinces before even being elected, and yet are ushered in anyway without a second thought. Its time for Atlantic Canadians to start thinking before they vote. Its time to stop voting against yourselves and vote for prosperity instead. Its time to end the race to the bottom.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 20:15:08 +0000

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