Despite the lost and sadness... Airport Authorities were noted - TopicsExpress


Despite the lost and sadness... Airport Authorities were noted within minutes when MH17 stop giving contact... Within the hour of incident and confirmation that likely shot down... Prime Minister made his way to the airport... By 5am... we had our first press conference with somewhat of an acceptable and better speeches by our Prime Minister... an emergency response team is currently on its way to investigate... who ever is responsible will be put to justice... deepest sorrows and condolences to the families of passengers and crew on board... Ive spoken to the Presiden of Netherlands and Ukraine... and Presiden Obama has called me By 12... we had photos of the wreckage... confirming its MH17 and FBI evidence that a Missile was launched and made contact with the plane... confirming the plane was gun down... I think Malaysia handled the situation MUch Much Much better than how we handled MH370... We were still no where by 12 Hours... PM made a press conference in the Evening... and after two weeks... we were looking in the wrong place... Kudos to PM Najib tun Razak...and Props to the man... Only downside is our Vice PM tweeting his condolences... Why not just send an e-card... unprofessional... like going to a meeting where a t shirt and shorts...
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 02:22:50 +0000

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