Destiny Journals continues.... Time To Sail On I was examined - TopicsExpress


Destiny Journals continues.... Time To Sail On I was examined by the paramedics, and sent to the hospital for treatment. Messenger stayed with me while I had undergone treatment for my back. According to the doctor, it was a miracle that I had survived the inferno with only first degree burns, and some smoke in the lungs. He advised me to stay over night for observation, while the smoke was cleared out, and the back started to heal. Messenger was also checked out, and released, but refused to leave the hospital until I left. A nurse was kind enough to let Messenger sleep in a bed next to mine, until the next morning. After the doctor had checked my injuries, and gave me some medication for the pain I still had, we left the hospital and headed to what was left of the house. The fire managed to burn only part of the structure, thanks to the fire department. We started to salvage what we could, and packed them in a few duffle bags. I called a cab to take us back to the harbor, and home. We arrive back on board later that day, with what was left of our gear, our books, and a boom-box radio. We still had each other, and that was important. However, the boom-box was damaged, and so was a few of the books. The television was damaged from the fire, as well as our hammocks. We still had a real home, and it was safely docked in the harbor. I was surprised that most of our wardrobe made it to the ship without singes on them. Tom had apparently smuggled them out before the fire engulfed the house, and managed to get the rest while we were at the hospital. When we boarded, the Captain and First Mate greeted us warmly. “Welcome home, my children,” said the Captain. “I hope that adventure was well worth it.” “Yes,” chipped in First Mate. “I trust the time spent, in between the fighting and the fire, was enlightening.” “Yes,” said Messenger as she looked into my eyes, then at First Mate. “Most enlightening.” I noticed the eyebrows of the Captain and First Mate had risen. “Indeed,” said the Captain. “ We will set sail with the tide tomorrow. When you two have settled in, check the ship’s stores. Tom managed to gather most of what we need, but there are a few items left. You don’t have much time.” “Aye-aye, sir,” we said in unison. We stowed our gear down below, checked the inventory, and within two hours, left the ship again for more supplies. We returned to the ship near sunset, and prepared for departure. That night, I left the ship and walked around the harbor. I noticed that Tom and Messenger sat at local outdoor restaurant. Tom looked as if he saw his worst nightmare. Messenger tried to sooth him, but he refused her hand. I came up and sat down at their table. “Tom, what’s wrong? Messenger?” “He wouldn’t tell me,” she said. “Something has really angered him.” I put my hand on his shoulder. “Tom, talk to us.” He looked at me with anger in his eyes. “He’s here,” he quietly said. “Who?” He stood up and faced the marina. “My father. And he’s not alone.” A sick feeling came over me. “Diablo.” “Right. They’re here in this harbor, near Diablos’ ship, the Hellspawn.” Tom turned to face us. “Before we met Adams, Hellspawn pulled into port before we arrived. They knew of our route into the waters here. I just learned this from the Captain. Remember that fog bank that had us surrounded? Thank that one to Diablo. He used it as a cover to somehow put the bullet into Adam’s gun, which wounded you and Messenger in the process. He set up the gang shooting as a way of killing you, and separating Messenger from the Captain. When that failed, my father started the fires. Well, they wouldn’t stop, unless they had killed you. That’s why the Captain wants to pull anchor at first tide tomorrow.” At the far table, I noticed two shadows that moved. Both of them waved, and disappeared into the night. “Mess, let’s get back on board. We’re leaving.” We rushed back to the ship, and as Messenger put Tom to bed, I made my enquire to the Captain. He was at the wheel when I approached. I wondered if he ever slept. From the look on his face, maybe the lack of sleep never did bother him. “Sir, when did you know that they were here?” He faced me. “Before we entered these waters. I know of the dangerous times we face, John. This was one of them. I had hoped that they would move more slowly, and so they did. I had assumed that Diablo approached Peter some time ago before we journey to the Isle of Contemplation. Do not fear, son. Fear is the weapon they use to strike you down with, even in this dark hour. It is the light of love that saves, John. Never forget it. You have found such love here, and with Messenger. I am pleased that you have found one goal, but another awaits you.” His arm draped around my shoulder and led me down the ladder. “One more thing. I know of the jobs that Messenger and you had while living among the people. Don’t be surprised to learn that you had tendered your resignations.” My eyes lit up. I completely forgot about our menial jobs out there. The Captain, it seemed, had taken the liberty to cancel our employment. Good, I was getting frustrated with the job, anyway. It felt like it was time to come home to the sea. “Go, rest tonight. First light, we sail for open waters.” Back in my room, I noticed the bunk was larger than usual. Messenger slept soundly in it. Possibly dreaming of tomorrows or yesterdays. I climbed in and settled down for peaceful dreams. Messenger moaned, and moved her arm around my arm. Maybe too peaceful. Before sunrise, the crew had the ship ready for sail. The anchors were pulled up as the main sails caught the wind. We moved slowly away from the main dock, and into the harbor. On our right, a huge black clipper ship with a face of death at the bow, floated silently. As we passed by, a low moan from the ship greeted us. On the bow stood Diablo and Peter. Diablo saluted the Captain, who did not return it. Instead, a tear was shed. Diablo glowered at us as Destiny headed for open water, and into a morning fog. Free at last! Open seas! No plane noise, no smog, no radio. Peace and quiet at last! The ship picked up a good strong headwind and we sailed forward at full speed. I leaned against the port-side rail and breathed in the sea air. Ah, to be away from all the chaos, I thought. I had all that I needed here. Nothing to fear, only people to love. Messenger joined me in my thoughts as she sided with me. “Penny for your thoughts,” she said while handing me a red cent. I sighed out loud, with a smile on my face. “For the first time in my life, I’m happy! I have all that I need,” my face fell a bit, “but the Captain said there was one more goal for me. I just wondered what he meant.” She linked her arms with mine as we gazed out into the seas. For a second, I could have sworn to have seen most monstrous ship that trailed behind us. I grabbed Messenger’s hand, and headed for the upper deck. I looked out into the water behind, and I knew trouble had come. Messenger saw this, and brought it to the Captain and First Mate’s attention. The Captain nodded his head as he faced forward. “They have been there for a long time, always trying to drag down a beleaguered soul from our midst. Don’t despair, child. We are safe.” I knew I had confidence in the Captain, but one of us didn’t share that feeling, it seemed. Tom joined us and stared at the shadow behind us. That shadow of a ship called Hellspawn. Tom shook his head at the sight of it. “Never did I imagine to see my father again on this voyage,” he grunted with his arms folded. “Hooked up with that thing out there. Those two seemed to be made for each other.” “Tom,” scolded Messenger as she brushed her hair away from those eyes of hers. “He’s still your father. There has to be some love in your heart for him.” “Yeah, Messenger. There still is, only I, too, have been poisoned by him a great deal longer that John was to that bullet.” Tom faced her. “Did you ever wondered why I stayed this long on this ship? Not because of my wife! She’s safe at Home Port, thank the Captain. No, it’s because of him,” he pointed with his thumb at the ship as he turned around to face it. “I knew if I had stayed on my own, I would find my father, and kill him. To take revenge on him that left us when we needed him the most. That’s how angry I am, and I am ashamed for it!” He turned around again. “I have become like him, like my father!” He cried softly. Messenger and I hugged him for all our worth while he sobbed. “I am afraid to be like him! He doesn’t care anymore about me, his family. Now,” his head raised to face the oncoming nightmare. “Now, he is coming after me, to take me to his home. I knew this day would come!” “That day will never come, my friend,” spoke First Mate who came up behind Tom. Tom turned to face him while First Mate continued. “He wants all of you, except for the one thing that you have your love for us all. That, he cannot take away, nor can he take you away unless you choose to go to him.” “Never! I’ll never join him! I’ve been part of this crew, and I will never leave them, nor forsake them. I made that vow when I joined up, and I won’t break it now!” First Mate smiled and laid a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Tom, this is one the most difficult challenges that we will face together. I know your heart has anger in it. Let it go, and let the love around here fill up that gap. That anger will drive you to them, and they will use it against you. I know you don’t understand now, but in time, you will.” He left us to our thoughts. “Tom,” I said. “If you need to talk-” “That’s just it, John! All talk, no action!” He sighed. “I hate it when First Mate makes sense. He’s right.” “What, about surrendering the anger, or they will get to you like they got to me?” Tom looked determined at the Hellspawn. “Both, about surrendering the anger, and they might get to me. I wake up night after night, feeling this sword above my head. I look up, and I see my anger ready to chop me down to pieces. After that meeting with my father, that sword has swung over my head for a long time. It’s time to get rid of it.” Messenger and I clutched at both shoulders. “Tom, we’re here for you,” Messenger said. “Tom, you have been my friend for years now, almost a brother to me. You’re family now, and love is stronger than fear, or anger. We’re with you now.” Tom grabbed both our hands and squeezed. We would face this nightmare, and together we would defeat it, but at a cost. Northward ho! It had been a week since we left Long Beach. We had traveled on a heading toward Alaska. First Mate told us that we were staying in these waters for a little while, for reasons that were not explained. I thought that we were going to pick up another potential crewmember, but I was wrong. Back on the mainland, I managed to find a small, hand-cranked radio. This radio could operate on just a few turns of the crank, and the energy from the motion provided the power for the radio to pick up radio signals. Some of the crew listened to whatever stations we could pick up. Even the Captain appreciated a good jazz tune, but frowned heavily on rock and roll. I wasn’t fond of it myself, but I developed a taste for country music. It was one afternoon that we had found time to relax in between duty shifts. The ship was anchored off of the island of Vancouver, British Columbia. The children played on the deck, and in the water. Some of the crew that weren’t on duty pulled a shark watch. We weren’t afraid of the great whites of the deep, but we had kept an eye for the large shark called Hellspawn. Messenger had donned a bathing suit that she picked up from a Long Beach store. A one-piece pink suit that had the name in gold, “Destiny” embroidered in the middle of it. I wore a pair of green trunks and a white tie-shirt that also had “Destiny” in green embroidered on it. I remembered the last supplies that we had picked up was corporeal clothing for the children and the crew. That seemed strange, since the crew could emulate any style of clothing just by thinking of it. I came up the ladder to the upperdeck to ask the Captain why we picked up the clothing, and I found him sporting sunglasses while at the wheel. I was amazed on how readily they had taken to this time. I felt I was too old-fashioned, and I suppose that thought translated into a body gesture that he picked up on. He chuckled as he explained. “Sometimes, fun is needed for the well-being of the crew. What I had asked for is what is needed, especially now. I know that Hellspawn is out there. For right now, we are safe. Have some fun, John!” He smiled as he slapped me on the back as he pointed me down the ladder. “Relax! That’s an order!” I remembered I hadn’t checked the ships’ stores in a while. As the crew played, I worked down below. I check the cargo against the manifest as I listened to the creak of the ship, the slosh of the waves, and the songs of whales beneath us. I whistled a country tune to the song of the whales, and I amazed myself at the new musical composition. I just put away the manifest when I was hit at the back of neck by something wet. I turned around to see a dazzling, soaked, Messenger, complete with stringy, soggy hair, and a water balloon that she tossed with her left hand, while the right hand leaned against the door jam. She had a mischievous grin on her face, a challenge if I ever saw on. “Are you ever going to get away from that?” “Well,” I said as I slowly walked up toward her. “I guess I better take that from you, so I can do this!” I lunged fast enough to grab the balloon from her. As I did, she laughed as she turned and ran down the corridor, with me in hot pursuit. I found her hiding behind the mizzenmast topside, and as I threw a balloon right at her, First Mate appeared in front of her, and took the hit for her. Before I knew it, I was hit from him, Messenger, and, of all people, the Captain. Man, did the skipper have a reach! I ran to get some more balloons from a bucket nearby, and found Tom near the access ladder. He was still in his work uniform, still depressed about what happened a while ago with our sighting of Diablo and Peter. He wanted to have fun, but could not get the images out of his head. I took a chance that maybe if I blasted him one that he would get the message to relax. I threw a balloon at him, but missed. He threw a hidden one right at me. Now, I was getting pelted by my friends! No fair! I didn’t care! We were having fun! Hey, I was under orders by the Captain to have fun, and fun I had. If only I obeyed the other senses, then what had happened would have been prevented. During our water fight, a child, the blond haired, fair-skinned one, managed to slip to the dingy dock on the port side of the ship, and disappeared. In one scream from the boy, the fun was over. Messenger, Tom, and I ran to the railing, with the Captain and First Mate behind us. We saw some bubbles coming up from the water, which triggered Messenger and I to dive in. That water was numbingly cold, too cold for a child to swim in. We swam through the frigid water as deep as we could go without having our ears burst. Messenger seemed to managed quite well in the deep water, unlike this landlubber who could stand only 15 feet. Messenger dove down to 50 feet before coming back up. We kept diving down, hoping to find the child. About ten crew members dived in with us and continued the search. Still, the child was gone. When the others came back on board, I stayed in the water, about to take another dive. Messenger came back up when the Captain ordered us to come back onboard. This was the first time I heard Messenger swore something in her native language. The Captain was not amused, and had the crew haul us immediately out of the water. We were issued towels to dry off as the Captain approached us. “Messenger, that was uncalled for!” “That boy could still be out there, Sir! We have to go back in!” “My child, he is not there. I know where he is. Believe me when I tell you that continuing to dive just delays his rescue.” “Wait, sir,” I popped off. “If he is not in the water, then where is he?” “He is out there,” he pointed to an area that was further out than we dived. “There is where we must find him.” The area was full of rocks, icebergs, and cold water. The Captain had suggested the boy was carried into an arctic current that ended up in the Bering Strait. Underwater? As our new adventure started, questions popped up. How did a ten year old get transported hundreds of miles into an arctic wasteland? Was this influenced by Hellspawn? The crew readied the ship for departure. We had broken out our arctic gear, and secured all the windows on the ship. The sails picked up the wind, and we were on our way. I began to realize about the special cargo that Messenger and I bought. It was clothing that covered all seasons, including arctic gear. Most of the sizes were for the children, the rest was for the crew who were corporeals, namely me. I noticed Messenger and Tom had on white thick wool pants, jackets with hoods, and gloves. Great, if they get lost in the tundra, they could fit in real well with the snow. I had dressed into a black ski two-piece suit with a brown, fur-lined hat. I may have looked ridiculous, but I was warm. The ship slowed as we neared the Bering Strait. The winds had died down suddenly, and the ship drifted forward. A familiar sound vibrated through the hull. Whale song. The grey whales were up here. I felt their song echoed through the water. The song seemed strange. They seemed to be speaking to us. The Captain listened intently, and heaved the ship to starboard. The icy winds picked up, and pushed Destiny on a new course, through some nasty looking icebergs. “Iceberg on the starboard bow,” cried a crewman. Destiny skirted to the port just enough to miss the killer ice cube. “Iceberg on port side bow, starboard cleared for 10 meters!” We made our way slowly up this frozen sea of ice and water. Soon, we landed on a icy shelf next to a mammoth iceberg. The wind died down long enough for our sails to come down and for us to drop anchor. “We will search here,” yelled the Captain. “First Mate, break the crew into teams! Have them search in quadrants! We will meet back here in one hour!” My team consisted of Tom, Messenger, and First Mate, who headed the team. We climbed down the icy steps of the landing, and stepped onto an icy wilderness. The arctic winds picked up slightly, so we had to hurry. I noticed that Tom carried food stuff for the boy, Messenger carried warm clothing, while I carried climbing equipment. First Mate led us through treacherous paths. We had to squeeze past two walls of pure ice without slipping and falling. The boots that we wore had spike on them to prevent us from doing just that. I had prayed that we got to the boy in time. The path lead through the canyon, and into a clearing of ice and snow, only, we weren’t alone. A pack of polar bears joined in our hunt. It seemed that we were only the rescue party who found our missing boy. He huddled his wet body against a couple of female polar bears for warmth and protection, while the males kept watch for trouble. They snarled at us at first, until First Mate and Messenger approached slowly. The bears sniffed them both, and snorted, as if to say they had been cleared. Quickly, Messenger took off her pack, and bundled the boy with the clothing, while First Mate stroked the protector. He seemed to talk to it, which seemed to calmed it down. It was an amazing site. That is, until a pack of grey, hungry wolves came out from every direction and challenged us. We were surrounded, cut off from the ship, with no way of getting back. We formed a protective circle around the boy. The bears took the challenge and encircled us from the wolves. One big wolf came up to First Mate, and snapped at him. First Mate seemed to got a clear message from him. To me, we were dinner for the hungry carnivores. “Do not be alarmed, crew,” said First Mate. “Start making your way to the ship. Our friends will protect us.” “I think not, First Mate!” A hideous voice echoed loudly around us. Not him again! Diablo appeared in a fiery flash. “Greetings, to my arctic getaway, gang,” Diablo said with a bow. “It’s so nice enough for you to drop by for dinner. We don’t often have guests here, like little Pete there. Hi, little man.” Pete huddled against Messenger, who shot Diablo a menacing look. The demon continued. “I found him playing in the water, and asked him if he would like to come visit me. Well, at first, he was shy about it, until that nasty wave toppled him over. I had to rescue him from drowning, so he came to my ship, and had such fun. Right, Pete?” “The boy is our responsibility, Diablo,” replied First Mate, “and we will take him home now.” “No so fast, glowing boy! You are being terribly rude!. I mean, here I am, a rescuer of the lad, and I don’t get a reward, or even a thank you? Just ‘we’ll take him home now’ speech? Really First Mate, you must learn some manners! Come, let my wolves show you some!” The wolves edged closer, but the bears kept them back. Suddenly, the bears sniffed something, and they looked at a patch in the ice that held fish in it. The bears debated about this, but it gave the wolves the opportunity to pounce on us. One wolf leaped up at Messenger, who went down with Pete screamed and ran right to me. In the mess of white, fur, and teeth, I heard Messenger shout, “John! Take the boy and run! Back to the ship!” “Wait about you-” I never had the chance to finished my sentence when I felt a push from the First Mate. “Go, she said! Obey the Captains’ Messenger!” I had no time to debate, so I grabbed the boy and ran for the ship, with the wolves at my heels. I had Pete hold onto my neck as I continued through the frozen tundra, with a hungry wolf still at my heels. We arrived at the landing, barely ahead of the beast. I grabbed the boy, and pushed him up the landing staircase in the nick of time. The wolf leaped, and I deflected it by tackling it to the ground. All I could see is the incisors of wolf as it tried to make me its next meal. Several members of the crew heard the commotion, and rushed down. They dragged off the beast and chased it away, while I was carried onboard. I screamed for them to listen. “They need our help! Out there! First Mate! Messenger! Tom! In trouble with Diablo! Go! GO!!” As I was helped up, several more rushed down to help my group. They carried me into sickbay as they readied several more beds, bandages, ointments, and surgical equipment. I was forced to lie down on the bed by a nurse. I wanted to help outside, but I was strongly encouraged to stay. I heard from one of the crew that my group was safe. I was glad for a moment, and then heartsickend as they carried in Messenger and Tom into the hospital. Messenger had cuts, scrapes, gashes all along her arm and face. Tom held his right arm that had a nasty gash on it. His face looked frozen. Their tattered clothing told me a story about the fighting. Messenger defended herself, but was still out man, or out-wolfed, by five to one. Toms’ odds were that of ten to one. A few more crew members came in with minor scrapes. Finally, First Mate came in without a scratch. Now, how did he manage to get out of there without harm, when my friends looked like they went to war? First Mate saw the look. “Our major concern is the crew, John. The boy came first. We are not are expendable, not one of us. Messenger and Tom knew this when they signed up, and so did you. We will fight, only if it is the last resort, like today was. It is the corporeal bodies that need attending to, not their spirits.” “Sir, what happened,” I asked. He laid a hand on my shoulder. “We are fine, and so is the child. That is what matters.” “But-” “Do not concern yourself with Diablo. He has been taken care of. For now, rest. We will talk later.” He walked out, which left the trio together again. “So, gang?” Tom and Messenger looked at each other. They seemed to be hesitant about giving me information. “Well?!” Tom cleared his throat. “Let’s just say that the aurora borealis will have a new light show for a while.” Messenger flashed me a grin. “I had never seen First Mate go head to head with Diablo.” “You mean, First Mate decked him?” Messenger looked shocked. “No! Diablo will be spending the next few weeks away from us as a comet.” I looked into her eyes, and they told me she wasn’t joking. I didn’t know much about First Mate, and now, I wish I hadn’t. Besides the lovable side of him that I knew of, there was that side that held great power. He must have used that power to defeat Diablo, but at what cost? It must not have been high, or was it? At least my friends were alive, little Pete was safe, and I felt like I was tenderized. We spent about three days in sickbay, as Destiny slowly pulled out of the arctic circle, and back into warmer waters. When we were in the Pacific Ocean, we headed due south. I decided to have that talk with First Mate about Diablo. I found First Mate as he nearly finished with his supper in the galley, and joined him there with a plate of stew. “You are curious about what happened out there, John,” he said in between mouthfuls. “You spoke with Tom and Messenger about Diablo. What did you learn?” “Not much,” I replied. “I heard that Diablo will be spending time as a comet, but nothing further. Sir, what did happen?” He smiled and wiped off his mouth with his napkin. “There are more things in heaven than they are on earth. Forces so powerful that no mortal man can ever comprehend. You were not permitted to see it, for the boy was first priority. Your job was to rescue him, and nothing else.” “Yes, but Tom, Messenger, they needed my help!” “You did help them, John. You sent help, and they came in time. You have rescued Pete from Diablo before he was able to turn Petes’ spirit to evil. You did a great deal, and you should feel satisfied about it. Eat, before it gets cold.” He finished his plate, and walked it to the back sink. I had completely forgotten about the stew, and ate the hearty portions. I had much to think about. Much to write about. Yes, with all that has happened, I thought I should write about these stories. I munched as I started to work out the details in my head. I had some time in the afternoon, some paper and a quill to write with. Why not? I soon found myself at my cabin desk, with notes that were jotted down about the adventures. So many things to write about, so many places seen. As I reviewed the day’s events, something didn’t sit right. Why did Diablo captured Pete, and what had happened to him? He seemed fine, but I still wondered. Why was he picked out? What was it about him that attracted Diablo? Was he just a victim waiting to be snagged? Was he bait for something big? I had more questions than I had answers. Same old story. I wrote down my suspicions, questions, theories, anything that related to this day. I wasn’t sure what the bottom line was, but I knew something was up. I felt a slight tremor of tension on this ship. My heart had picked it up quite clear. Why so clear? I turned around and saw little Pete huddling in the doorway. His downcast face wasn’t sure about me, and I felt the same way about him. This was ridiculous! How could this child be a danger of any kind when he was snatched by evil? As he left, my suspicions grew. I had to talk to someone about this. To my surprise, the Captain and First Mate had entered my cabin. This was serious. “You have suspicions growing inside of you like a weed,” said the Captain. “I do not tolerate secrets onboard my ship, John. I want to hear them.” So, I told him about them. As I spoke, both he and First Mate nodded. “Sir, I wouldn’t have brought it up if I wasn’t sure about any of this.” “For once, John, your instincts are right,” commented the Captain. “Diablo targeted Pete to turn him over to evil. He wanted a disciple, and a replacement for Tom. Diablo and Peter has given up on Tom, but now Pete is danger. For now, the ship is a safety zone. Nothing can touch Pete here. Only when Pete is off the ship will he be in the greatest of danger. John, you are hereby charged with his safety off the ship. Just as Messenger is in charge of yours, so you will be Petes’ guardian. I know that you have started to write down your adventures. I have a plan for that, but that will come in due time. For now, John, tell Messenger and Tom. Keep them next to you, as you will keep next to Pete.” I was stunned, and what I answered was, “Aye-aye, sir!” They left my cabin, which left me with Pete. My goodness, he looked like a younger Tom! He dressed the same, had the same haircut, even the same mannerism. I opened my arms, and Pete ran into them. I hugged him like if he was my own son, which at times, I wish I had. A family for my own. Maybe... “I won’t let anything happen to you, Pete. I will protect you with my life, in necessary. This I promise.” I didn’t notice Messenger and Tom enter in my cabin. They seemed to read my face and my heart. I felt their recommitment to me, and now to Pete. I looked into Messenger’s eyes, and I read what was in her heart. I felt I did have a purpose her, and a real family to care about. Messenger seemed to be my wife, Tom, my brother, and now Pete, my surrogate son. Well, what do you know? I do have a family after all! Quagmire Messenger, Tom, Pete, and I had spent time off the ship at a deserted island. Although my guard was up, I felt no evil around us, not even from the diabolical duo. Still, that didn’t relieve me at all. I had felt safe onboard ship. Now, my instincts screamed at me to watch it. We were instructed to explore this new island, and to bring back samples of its treasures. It seemed simple enough, but I had learned that nothing out here was ever simple, and the more complicated life gets, the worse my logic was just trying to analyze it all without going insane. We had spent most of the morning in the jungle, collected fruits, drawings of plants, animals, even fresh water from a nearby stream. The water tasted pure, natural, and fresh. My mouth was invigorated. Pete played in the stream bed for a few moments. I guess that being cooped up onboard a ship that he had little time to have fun. Messenger and Tom had set up camp on the beach, which left Pete and I to explore the rim. There was so much fruit around there that we had collected enough for lunch and supper. Mangos, papayas, bananas, pineapples were the main course. There were others that I hadn’t seen before. Even with all this bounty, I still felt out of place. I used to feel one with the land. I knew the hillsides, mountains, caves, even the beach back in my homeland. Now, my home was the ship. Pete started to get a little antsy. I figured the boy was tired, so I grabbed a couple of blankets from the landing craft, and made a temporary bed for him. It had taken him two minutes to fall asleep. I wish I had that skill. To linger like that for two minutes is a personal goal. It usually took me one minute to fall into blissful sleep, before my snoring kicked in. As Pete slept, I stood watch. A tent was erected, and our bed rolls were laid out. I scooped up Pete, carried him inside the tent, and carefully laid him on his bed roll, with the blanket still on him. I left the tent, and yawned as I stretched my back. “John, I do believe you look a father, after all,” Tom said with a smug grin as he and Messenger stood outside. “Shsssh,” I whispered. “Not so loud! You want to wake him? Come on.” I led them a few feet away from the tent, but still within eyesight, and earshot, of it. “Me, a father? Unbelievable! I thought I didn’t like children at first.” That got a surprise look on Messengers’ face. “Then, after rescuing the children from that maniac, I kinda like the tykes. Pete reminds me of me when I was his age. Full of life, vigor, and a sense of wonder. He had me seeing stuff that I had never seen before. He is one amazing kid.” Messenger leaned on my shoulder. “It seems, Dad, that, you may have found a wee protégé.” “Dad?” I looked at her quizzically. “The Captain wanted me to take of Pete, and that’s what I’m doing. Beside, I think he needs a big brother to watch him, rather than a father. That’s the Captain’s job. To be a Father to us all, and let me be a big brother to Pete. Funny. All this time I spent from home, and now Pete reminds me of my family back home. I wonder how Sis and Big Brother is doing?” I felt a hand on my shoulder. Messenger looked into my eyes and smiled. Those eyes of hers I could never got enough of. “Soon, you’ll find out.” “And that is, what?” “I can’t say anymore than that, John. What I can say is you have someone who needs your guidance and your love right now. Just as we need you, Pete needs you.” “What about you? Do you still need me?” She looked at me with a mock hurt look, and punched me in the arm. “Do you have to ask that? I hope your arms can take my punches, John.” In her own way, she needed me, and more than that. I felt that she wanted me, as much as I wanted her. I felt so much love with her that I would die if I were separated from her. Then, again, such thoughts were known onboard to the Captain, and to Messenger. I felt she was my other half, and I could not bear to part from her. As I looked into her eyes, I saw the same look. I knew of her past, and of her former marriage. I also knew that none of it affected my feelings towards her. David had separated from her, but still loved her enough to release her to me. I felt that before he left. He knew that she and I would be together. I started to wonder about Big Brother. How he and Sis doing? It felt like an eternity since I last saw them. I felt homesick for once in my life. I started to miss them both. I knew I had a loving family here, but I still had kin somewhere, and I missed them so. How could I miss them? Why did it take this one boy, this precious child, to remind me of where my former home was, and my other family? Other family. Is that how I saw them? Is that how I am to remember them as just an “other”? My first family, my real family, the family that I grew up with, and then separated from. They were, are, still special in my life. It seemed that I have another family who needed me more, as I needed them. How can I justify all off this? How can I compare all of this? Compare the ship family to my real family? My ship family is real to me, and therefore, my real family, but not the first. Or, were they? Did I have a family on the other side to begin with, and then was placed into a foster family, until I was reunited with my first ones? As I thought about this, I stood watch over the tent. No outside forces were present, save Messenger, Tom, and myself, but my instincts told me to grab Pete. I obeyed them in time. I grabbed Pete from the sack just as a hole appeared in the sand next to him. Some strange, misty, stinky black goo gurgled up. As Pete stirred, I left the tent. “Tom, Messenger, take a look.” They saw it, and could not believe it. “What is it,” asked Tom. “I don’t know, Tom,” Messenger answered, “but we’re going now. Pack up!” I put a sleepy Pete in the craft, and helped clean up near the boat, but also within eyesight. As I gathered some of the gear, there was a scream. Pete was at the sides, pointing to the ground. It had the same stuff coming up, but all around the boat. I ran to the craft, which was completely cut off from the sand, and worse, it started to sink. When I put my foot near it, it, too, sank. Quicksand! “Tom, Messenger, the rope,” I yelled. Tom produced the landing rope and tossed it to me. I tossed one end to Pete, and the other end, anchored to a tree. The ship was three-quarter of a way sunk. “Pete, listen to me,” I said with an even voice. “Wrap the rope around your waist, and tie it good and tight. We will pull you out of there.” “I’m afraid, uncle John,” he sobbed. Bless his heart, which I was trying to save as well as the rest of him. The quicksand had buried the boat, and Pete started to go with it. Timing was crucial now. “Pete, look at me. You can do this. Tie the rope around you. That’s right......good.....the knots’ ok? Tom, Messenger, on three. One....two....three!” We heaved Pete out of the sand in the nick of time. Another ten seconds, and he would have been lost. I cleaned him off, and gave him a big hug. Tom, and Messenger also hugged him. Pete sobbed. “I was so afraid, Uncle John!” I hugged him until his sobs subsided. “Shsssh, Pete. You’re safe now. I have you. It’s okay to cry, to be afraid. It’s okay. I was afraid, too.” Pete looked at me with those blue eyes of his. “Really?” I looked him in the eye. “When I thought I was going to lose you, I was afraid. Afraid that I might miss you.” I smiled. “And the Captain would have my hide if I lost you to some old quicksand. He would probably throw me in there just to pull you out!” His eyes lit up as he laughed. We all laughed with him, but my instincts kicked in. The was more trouble on the way, and no way off the island without our boat. I saw the look on Tom and Messengers’s face. There was danger here, but now, there was no way of going back to the ship. “Well, gang, have any suggestions,” I said. Tom had an answer. “Build a raft.” “And a sail,” said Messenger. Were these two thinking on the same wavelength? How come I never picked up on it? Then I saw the tent still standing, and some bamboo stalks nearby. Now, I understood. Pete and I gathered some of the bamboo stalks as Tom and Messenger converted the tent into a sail. We fashioned the stalks into rows, then tied them down with some natural twine. Strong stuff, that twine. Tom fashioned a mast, a boom a till, and rudder, while Messenger attached the sail to the mast. There was barely enough canvas to make a distress flag, which was attached to the top of the mast. “SOS” was written on it with fruit juice and mud. In less than two hours, our raft was made. It looked crude, but at least we had a way off. I could not figure out why we had to leave, but I felt we had to. Pete was sitting on the raft, while the rest of us were finishing up the ties on the mast. “Well, folks, what do you think will happen?” Messenger looked around, as did Tom. “I don’t know, John,” she replied. “but we’re in danger. I can really feel it.” “How about seeing it,” said Tom as he pointed to bubbling spots that had appeared along the beach, and in the forest. “Uh, guys, does this look like the right time to go,” Messenger asked. In unison, Tom and I said, “Yes.” Pete jumped off, and helped us carry the raft to the shoreline. Pete jumped on first, then Messenger, Tom, then me. The wind picked up, and the boat slowly moved toward the distant Destiny that was anchored. The island started to spout off more of the gurgling mass. The shoreline shrunk. It seemed that the island was sinking. Sinking? Impossible! I could see a volcano burying an island, or even sinking it, but those holes? What were they? Steam seemed to escape from them. A strange gas was detected, and we coughed. “What is (cough!) that stuff (cough!), Uncle John?” “Cover (cough! cough!) your nose and mouth, Pete! All of you! That’s methane!” Tom and Messenger looked at me. “I read up on some of the sciences of that time we visited. That’s methane coming from the ground. Gas pockets (gasp!) Built up by dying animals on the beach. The animals were buried by quicksand (cough!), turned to methane. Never seen it happen, until now! (cough! cough!)” We sailed on further from the island, and its toxic affect. We had lost the landing boat, but we were alive. Someone on deck noticed our flag, and another launch came out to bring us onboard. Within two hours, we were alone in the galley. Pete had gone to bed, which left the trio to ourselves for a moment. The Captain came in to join in our discussion over today. “The world is filled with wonder and danger,” he said. I am pleased that you are all right. And, you, John, good work with Pete. He needed a brother right then, and you were there. I’m proud of you. All of you. Rest well.” As he left, my jaw felt like it hit the deck. “Did he say what I thought he said?” Messenger and Tom grinned. They nodded to each other, got on both sides, and punched me in both arms. “Hey, no fair with the double teaming,” I exclaimed as I tried to rub out their punches on both of my arms. “That was for the compliment,” Tom said. He then bid his goodnight, and headed for his cabin. Messenger gingerly pulled my face to hers. “And this is my compliment.” I can’t describe this kiss at all, except to say that this was the first time, I felt in love with Messenger. That kiss clinched it. It seemed to linger for eternity, but it was only for an instant. She then lead me off to our cabin. I felt like I was more than at home. I could not describe the feeling any more than that. All I knew was I had found my other half, and my other goal. I would ask her to marry me now, but fate had other plans. Past Becomes The Present I woke up to the sounds of a busy harbor. My shire! I recognized the cursings from Mr Sweeny about the ships and their captains. I rose up from the bunk and looked out the portal. My old home! Messenger was up and dressed in clothing that matched the shires’ outfits. A frilly white blouse that nearly laid open near the breasts, open shoulders, red trim around the edges, and a long blue skirt. She wore clogs, bulky wooden monsters that women wore. Hideous black things. Messenger wore them like they were the fashion norm. Shoulder slouched a little, just like the shire women folk. Her hair was tied in a bun on top of her head, which left a few strands in her face. Even with the outfit, she still looked beautiful. “Good morning, good sir,” she said in a heavy Gaelic accent. Well, not quite the accent of the place, but who could know the difference? I responded in proper shire response. “Fare day to you, Miss. Top of the morning, and such a lovely day with a lovely lass such as yourself, who I see is dressed in yon town outfit. Might I inquire, good lady, why the dress, and not the suit?” She curtsied, as she replied, “Good sir, because the Captain has required you to accompany me into town.” She noticed I still had on my pajamas on. “It would be appropriate to dress accordingly, or face dire consequences to yon right arm.” Translation: Get dressed, or prepare to be slugged, drowned with water, dressed in a hurry, and shoved off the ship with proper humiliation and embarrassment. I got the hint. Within fifteen minutes, I was dressed, hair combed, and on the quarterdeck with the Captain and crew. “Ah, good morning, John. Remember this place?” “Yes, Captain, that’s Harbor Shire, my home, or was. Why are we here?” “It’s time to face your past, to make right of what you had wronged. Be not afraid, John. I know what troubles your heart, and your mind. I am sending Messenger and Tom with you. Peter shall stay on the boat for now. This is the time for reconciliation.” “But, I thought, through that storm....” “No, things are not that easily erased. First Mate is off shore making the supply rounds, and you will leave the ship, and finish your business with your family. It’s time, John. We’ll be here waiting for you.” He gave me a pat on the back as I turned to face home. Home. It didn’t seem like much. My past was here, and I felt I wasn’t ready to face it. I guessed that now was the time to go through with it. Tom and I wore the same outfit, almost. I had on a white buttoned shirt, Tom a blue one. Both of us had the bloused black pants, with one exception. I went back to my cabin, brought out my gear bag, and unpacked up one carefully wrapped bundle. It was the sword that my father had when he was young, and a sailor. I guess it ran in the blood. The cutlass was of a Spanish design, with a family crest of my family. The design was of a shield, and in it was a picture of a hammer, a ships’ wheel, and a book. A worker, a sailor, and a teacher. A pragmatic, an adventurist, and a scholar. All three was me, and my family. Until now, I never thought to carry it anywhere. When I’d lived in this town, this sword was never out of my sight. I strapped on the sword, adjusted the hilt, and went back to the quarter deck. Tom and Messengers’ jaws dropped as the saw my weapon. They never said a word as we left the safety of the ship, and into the harsh life of the shire. They didn’t have to. I knew their thoughts. As we walked though the many docks, I told Messenger about this place. Tom yawned, which made me stop. “Tom, do you remember what a rough place can be? How many fights there are here?” “John, you forgot who we are now. We are more than that. You didn’t need to bring that along!” “You forget yourself! You no longer have any concerns about this town, but I do. And, right now, I have to face my past. Yours is still out there on the water, while mine...” I looked around the harbor. The voices of Jonesey and Sweeney could be heard in the background. “Mine’s right here. You and Messenger think that this sword is out of place, that it’s no longer needed. I pray I don’t have to use this, but just in case...” I patted it a few times. “I hope you know what you’re doing,” Tom said. “The last time you used it, you almost got your ear sliced off!” “Yes, and that was the last time we fenced together with real swords, too! This time, Tom, I may have to use it, but I sure hope not.” We proceeded to the local tavern near the harbor. Above the entrance was an anchor from a decommissioned merchant vessel that the owner of the bar used in the Royal Navy. The owner, long since dead these many years, had the property sold to his son, who manned the tavern. In there, former and current sailors would swap stories of the seven seas. We went into the crowded place, filled with sailors from many parts of the Royal Navy and from the Merchant Marines. In this dark, dank, stench of a place was my contact in the work houses, and my friend who save my life more times than I could count, and the man who encouraged me to sail out of town, Ol’ Chauncy Sikes, a former sailor, now local town drunk and informant. Ask him anything for the right price, and a sufficient quantity of ale, and he will tell you stories about places beyond Harbor Shire. I spoke to a bartender, who pointed out Sikes, who sat at a dimly lit table in the back. A grey-haired rough neck man, nursed his drink at his table. His eyes light up when he saw me standing there. “Well, bless me own soul,” he exclaimed in a deep cockney accent. “Could that be ol’ Jackie Copernicus, if my ol’ eyes could see that well!” He motioned us to some chairs around him. “Come sit with ol’ Sikes, and lets me see ya, ya sea suffering swamprat!” “Sikes!” I greeted him with open arms. “Long time no see, old friend. My friends require some meat and some suds. If I may share this table with you, oh, noble sailor of the seas?” “Cut the bilge, ya swamprat, and sit right down! Speakin’ respectable now, and you thinks you were a gentleman, instead of a rat, like the law dogs would have us think.” He sobered up a bit to look at Messenger, as she sat across from Sikes. Tom sat on her right, while I sat next to Sikes. “Ooooh, lass, who might you be? Hooked up with this swamprat now, instead with ol’ Sikes? Boy, have you now a wife, here?” I tried to recover from that question, which made Messenger blush a bit. “No, Sikes. She had a husband who died a long time ago. But, she is like..” She looked at me, as if waiting for the proper response. “She means more to me than you’ll ever know.” At least, I had no strikes, but I did catch an amused look on her face. Well, foul ball, anyway. “Oh, hooked up with a bar wench, and called her your own, eh? Cop, you are a sly dog. So, what can ol’ Sikes’ do for you?” I leaned closer to him. Any nearer, and I would have become intoxicated. “I need information on Worthy and Claire.” He hesitated for a second, as if either to remember the answer, or give a false one. “You know they be in the work house, mate.” “Yes, yes, I know, but where are they now? The last time I was here, I heard that they were at the harbor mill. I just came from there, but Cogsworth said that they left a long time ago. Now, I have no clue where they are!” He looked at me with pain in the face. “Boy, I wish I could help ye. But the town magistrate has a warrant on ye head, son. And a reward of 10,000 pounds.” “10,000? That much? He really must be mad at me.” “Not you, lad. Manska. She upped the reward when you left Harbor Shire on that there boat. That was over a year ago. Where’d you go, lad?” A year? It seemed like decades since I left Harbor Shire, and now to have my old friend tell me that it was only been a year since leaving Harbor, only encouraged me to have a long talk with the Captain about this trip of mine.. “Manska? This isn’t good. Listen, Sikes, can you get word to Worthy? Tell him I’m coming?” “Why don’t you look around, Copper? Slowly, lad.” I did, and saw my worst nightmare. Both Tom and Messenger looked at him, then at me. My heart stopped. My jaw had scraped along the gutter of humanity, and it could have fallen further had the bottom of the earth opened up. There stood Worthington in the uniform of the Magistrate, and with him was Claire, also attired as such. What had happened to them? I couldn’t comprehend this. All I could do is stare at them, and felt horror, then anger. As they stepped away from the bar, Sikes excused himself. I lowered my head as I turned around, too angry to face who I had called my family. I gripped the sword, and felt a squeeze on both of my wrists. Tom and Messenger had given me a message. I couldn’t face them, or of the pair that walked slowly around the tavern, then left as silently as they came in. I wanted to scream. “John,” Tom hissed. “Not now! I know what you’re going through, but that ain’t gonna help!” “He’s right, John,” chipped in Messenger. “Look at me. Look at me!” I turned my angry eyes at her. “I know this hurts, John! I know you feel betrayed. I know you loved them, how much you and your family had been through. But, this isn’t the way! Let go of the anger! Please!” “Messenger, back off,” I hissed. “They wear the uniform of the enemy! The same enemy who took away everything I held dear to my heart! My mother died in the magistrates’ hospital! My brother and sister worked for the magistrate against their will. Now, the Magistrate has taken my family away from me! I want blood, Messenger! I want his!” Tom tried to reason with me. “Think, man! Think! The magistrate is dead! Manska is Magistrate now! Manska! The same girl you helped rescue a long time ago. The same one who saved you from her husband!” “The same one who has a price on my head, with my family held hostage! No, I can’t accept this! Not now! Not ever!” I rose up and headed for the door. Messenger and Tom called after me, but I could no longer hear the sound of their voices, but of the tune of vengeance in my heart. Today, there would be blood.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 19:34:33 +0000

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