Destiny (some of my fanfic) Moontribe and Suntribe are the main - TopicsExpress


Destiny (some of my fanfic) Moontribe and Suntribe are the main tribes in the great forest. They share the forest and spread peace, they are the only tribes that have the power to control the Moon and Sun, and the only ones to have wings. One night a fire breaks into the forest spread by man, it does not cause much damage in the forest because it is too vast and big. It wipes out half of the tribes, they are all separated in different areas and tribes. The only wolves left in the great forest are Sapphire and Opal, two wolf pups that must find the rest of their tribe and bring peace back to the forest when the other tribes, Watertribe and Lightningtribe fight. How will they find their tribes to bring peace back to the forest? Read this to find out their great adventures in the vast forest....(This sorta is like Warrior Cats, a book by Erin Hunter) Prolouge The two tribes fell asleep fast under the full moonlight, not a sound was to be heard apart from the soft breeze and rustle of the bushes and trees in the vast forest. Little did they know what tradgedy was about to occurr. Moonvibe, leader of Moontribe, kept guard of the night and tribes. He circled their land and sniffed for dangers. Suddenly as whisp of smoke travelled up his black nose. Flee tribes, flee!! he howled at the top of his lungs as soon as cinders arosed. Unexpectedly a fire broke out into their land. Fire, fire! Sundash rasped, leader of Suntribe as acrid filled her lungs, she scrambled to her feet and flew around the dens to warn and wake them immediatley. The pups cried and the mothers tried their best to grab them out of the high safetrees, where the pups slept and played. Many tribe members flew and scurried around, causing more havoc, whereas some of them unhesitatinly hurdled to the sky. A little young, scrawny wolf asked his mother Mother whats going- he barked his voice shaking, before he could finish, the mother grabbed him by the scruff and flew off to follow the leaders. Many died and only some survived the horror. Mommy help! Sapphire whimpered shivering even though it was scorching hot and Opal cried and wailed. Daisy, their mother could not reach them out the safetrees as fire surrounded the pups. She climbed the high tree with all her strenght. Im coming my darlings- those were Daisys last words. Mommy! Opal howled with tears streaming down her eyes as Daisy got swallowed up by flames edging closer and closer to the tree. Out of the blue, a large owl came dashing towards them, the pups tried to flee away but their wings were too weak and puny, instead they continued howling and wailing for help, but the rest of the tribe had already left. The owls in the forest loved feeding on wolf pups as a little snack. No!! Sapphire sqealled as the owl grabbed her reluctantly with his large, sharp talons Help me Opal! she wailed as the owl dug his claws in to her delicate body and swooping up quickly. Opal did not know what to do so she tried hanging onto Sapphires black paws. Im trying! she cried, trying to keep her grip tight, the Moonlight grew smaller and smaller and it was difficult to see. The owl screeched and lifted the two pups, some fire was burning his tail as he flew off, from the fire. The two pups shrieked and wailed in pain as the owls talons dug into their shoulders. Now they were high up above the clouds. The owl started to lose balance because of the flames lingering to his tail. He lost balance and started to twist and glide as if he was a chick. The owl screeched as the flames burnt out most of his feathers. The two pups gazed at the owl, with hung open mouths. Is this is it? Are we going to die so young? Sapphire wondered worriedly as the owl lost grip of the pups and dropped them from a seriously high height. They plunged down from the sky and everything grew dark. Chapter one: The Animal The blinding sun rised above the forest, waking the animals and wildlife around the lush green trees of The Great Forest. But in one particular part was where a fire had been instigated by man. Sapphire coughed and woke up, finding herself on a tree stub with moss all around it, beside her, lay her sister, Opal. She jumped to her tiny paws, shaking Oh my.. she croaked,coughing and spluttering because of the acrid still lingering in her tiny lungs. She took a good look around, the safetrees were torn down, the meeting and relaxing place was demolished, the vines where the pups liked to swing on were ruined, nothing that the tribes had made was left. It was just cinders and smoke arising everywhere and it was a devastating sight to see. Sapphires eyes contracted and widened as soon as she saw her Mothers dead body. Mommy! she grieved as she scurried to the body. Daisy was covered soot and ashes, while mocking flies hovered around her, buzzing. Mommy wheres uncle, aunty and papa? Wheres Moon, Gem and Aurora!? Where are our tribes!? she barked worriedly, shaking and heavily breahting. She hopped away, not looking where she was going with tears in her sapphire blue eyes (thus her name, Sapphire) stepping on the warm from the fire, ground. She rubbed her eyes and bolted to the treestub to wake Opal up. Opal wake up! she howled, prodding her delicate, imparied body. Opal did not respond, all she did was stir in her sleep. Opal wake up, do you hear that!? she whispered . Opals black ears sprung up and she struggled to her paws, looking horrified so see their home, destroyed. Y-Yes I hear that.. she stammered and whined. A crunching of leaves sound was in the distance, it didnt sound like a wolf because it was far too light. Well Im going to check it out... Sapphire muttered under her breath, she scurried off, trying not to make much noise with her fluffy paws before Opal dared to stop her. She saw a strange looking animal with slitted eyes, pointy ears, a small pink nose and a long tail. What are you? she questioned curiously, rearing back as the creatur padded closer to her with narrowed eyes. The animal lifted her up by the scruff and dashed away to a hollow tree faster than Sapphire could escape her firm grip. Let me go you nuisance! Where are you taking me? she yelped with courage. Sapphire? Opal called. Sapphire where are you!? she howled. She tried to pick up her scent and she was succesful. Hmmm..I also smell some dead prey!she shrieked excitedly and followed the scent as fast as she could, leading to an oak tree hollow, surrounded by crunchy leaves, moss and flowers. Why would Sapphire be in here? she barked, confused, she marched in looking around inside the hollow of the oak tree. Sapphire?! Sapphire? Are you in here? I picked up your scent! What are- Opal got interupted immediatley by a long weird meoww sound. Opal shook her head, she thought she was imagining things, she then sensed an unfamiliar scent in the hollow, she had never smelled this animal before. She reared back in confusion, she then spotted an unfamiliar animal. Wh-who are you!? she stammered, she tried to look tall and big to scare the animal, she puffed out her chest. WHO ARE YOU? she then barked more sophisticatedly. The animal had Sapphire hostage behind her. What are you doing to my sister?! she thundered, showing her small sharp teeth. Chapter two: A new friend Miaowww the animal squeaked. Its okay, this is Silk, she is realy nice! Sapphire called bounding up to Opal. Im glad you came! she barked. How do you know her name?.. Opal growled and narrowed her eyes suspicsiouly. Come on Silk, speak out! she giggled. Hehe, so this is youre sibling I assume? Silk guessed with a warm, welcoming voice, her glittery emerald eyes sparkled. Silk, this is Opal, Opal, this is Silk. Silk gave me some prey and healed me with some strange plants after I was injured from last night. Silk cant speak Wolf very well but shes probably the kindest cat in the forest! she barked cheerfully And guess what? She said both of us are VERY important for the forest! she added. C-at?....S-so this is a cat? The way mother d-described them was more h-dorrifying! D-dont cats hate us? she stammered, nervously. You are a right idiot Opal! Not ALL cats are like that! she chuckled. Silk smiled warmly at Opal. You look hungry, care for some mice? she suggested as Opal looked quite frail. Opal was still a bit unsure and slowly nodded her head. She headed to where the mice where placed and tucked in. This is great! she finally barked. Im glad you two liked it, now get some rest while I hunt for some more! Silk mewed happily as she bounced away into the depths of the vast forest, alive with singing birds, rustling trees and flowing streams. Isnt Silk just the best! Sapphire stated to Opal. Opal nodded her head and waited for when Silk grew farther away. She reluctantly lunged at Sapphire when Silk left, her claws digging into her. Are you crazy!? she screeched, baring her teeth. TO BE CONTINUED (please comment the faults in the story in the comments, no stealing, stealers will be banned and reported for good ) ~Sunstar
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 20:38:07 +0000

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