Destroy the Illusion & Ignorance for EVER & Lives in Advaita ( - TopicsExpress


Destroy the Illusion & Ignorance for EVER & Lives in Advaita ( Non Duality). ॐ* NAMO ~*ॐ* NAMO ~*ॐ*NAMO ~*ॐ*~NAMO* ॐ*NAMO *NAMO *ॐ* The Visible & Invisible management of life for happiness. This is principle of Equanimity (Siddhi (Divine Power) which is already residing in every Individual of Universe since Birth) of Living Being on Earth Plane. *ॐ~ Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* This is principle of Equanimity of Living Being on Earth Plane. *ॐ~ Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* Must See & Manifest from the True, Pure, Subjective & Absolute , Supreme Jnana (Vidya,knowledge) of vedanta ie. non-duality (Advaita) *ॐ~ Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* The Veda The True, Pure, Real, Subjective, Perfect, Absolute, Supreme & Divine Jnana ( Vidya, Knowledge of Creation / The Truth of Manifestation.. The 7 Vedic Levels of Consciousness (1). Ana - The physical world - that which is perceived with the 5 senses. (2). Prana - The system that works without direction, The system that gives the body Life Energy. The Autonomic systems & the energy that we borrow from other things to sustain life. That energy that was created with the Big Bang i.e Heart, Lungs, Nervous System, Digestive System & so on. All the Systems in Nature that work on there own from that which is behind the scenes. (Yin & Yang) The existent that comes from the non existent. That which is directed by the unseen or directed by the Law or the Truth..... (3). Manas - The Individual Mind - The ego that says I am Me, The point of consciousness of Gods expression of Me. All the memories of this lifetime & Individual experiences. My Life Part (Me) (Tony) (4). Vjnana - The Higher Mind - The Bridge between mortality & immortality. The highest expression of Me. Love. The beginnings of feeling yourself as a part of one thing or the knowledge that everything is one & sacred. Feeling the feelings of others (Compassion) The highest parts of the Human Being that which makes us different from other animals. Being able to be conscious of our actions. The World of the Immortality The next 3 are Synergetic - They exist together in consciousness or not at all. The Godhead itself..... (5). Ananda - The Bliss that comes from the Truth. The Divine Expression/ Divine Inspiration/ The Bliss of Existence - Writing Music & Creating Art. Dancing, Singing. These are the highest acts of Human expression these are Humans as Creators/ Manifesting Manifestos. Tapping into & expressing that Truth which is Divine. Along the Idea of Musing. Not Gods expression of you, Gods expression through you. Why else would it be called Muse-ic... (6). Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)- The Truth of Consciousness - Intuition, The individual Jewel in Indra Net. The highest level of sight. The highest perception of the Observer. Seeing everything as the One Thing that in Truth everything actually is. The looking glass that we observe through. The actual sight of everything as one. Gods sight that sees(Chit). It watches the Self Expressing the Bliss of existing (Ananda), It actually can see the knowledge of One & its processes (Vjnana), Watches the Lower Mind think & see from perception of the individual or the individual expression (Manas), Watches the Life Energy & works the behind the scenes to sustain life, gives the feeling & emotion to the illusion to make it feel real (Prana). & Observes the outter realm or womb being used to develop it. 5 senses of perception & the outside world that they see that polishes the Soul as a tumbler turns a Rock into a Gem (Ana). *ॐ~ Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* (7). Sat - Satya - The Eternal Soul, The Truth That which is true, The Truth of Being. The Observer itself, That which looks. The perceiver that perceives the perception, outside of the entire , The only thing that is left when all veils of illusion have been lifted. The pin of existence. The Vedantic Atman, That part of you that will never die. When God splits itself into everything that is. This is that part of God that is You or is it the part of you thats God? Or is it just God without the presence of you at all? ummm or Auuummmm ॐ ॐ ॐ ..... C. All of the above. *ॐ~ Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* Every level of this reality is True when in the relativity of the sight from the levels beneath it. Where as from the sight of the higher levels above all levels beneath become an Illusion. (3) Worlds - 1. Prithivi, Bhur (Earth or Physical but also Individual) The Bottom 3 Levels (Ana, Prana, Manas). 2. The Antariksha, The Akasha, Bhuva (The Ether or space between Earth & Heaven) Level 4, Our Higher Selves, The knowledge of Oneness, Love, Compassion, that which makes us Human Beings not animals... (Vijnana) 3. Dyaus, Svarga, The Divine, Immortality (Heaven or the Godhead) The top 3 levels (Sat, Chit & Ananda) This in the Rig Veda is known as the 3 & the 7. Lored in many different way. Even Earth, Ether & Heaven are just Vedic Lore to try to describe with Physical Metaphors that which is Metaphysical & Indescribable Truths. Kinda like describe Love or prove Love? It can only be described in metaphor & its existence & presence is scientifically unprovable & scientifically immeasurable. Yet we all know that it extists because we feel it. More a super emotion having all the other emotions within it. The entire Rig Veda is written in Vedic Lore = Physical Metaphorical Poetry used to describe the Metaphysically Indescribable & Immeasurable. & meter or Song / Melody used to express it in the fashion it is expressed from behind the scenes of the Universe itself. *ॐ~ Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* This Metaphoric Explanation of that which is intangible, indescribable, immeasurable, infinite is Vedic Lore the knowledge of its existence & the receiving of inner knowledge from it is The Veda. Being metaphoric as the return of dawn, the sun, the light out of the night the releasing of waters that were dammed to flood the 7 rivers. Then in this observation the thought of this Lore, The Hearing this Lore or the recital of this Lore somehow triggers the release of it from its source. Almost like a hidden primmer or key to the map or that unlocks the door..... The Veda, The Knowledge & Sight of the Truth. Opening the doors & creating a path for the Soul to rise to its highest expressions. Vedic Lore is used to describe the Veda or that which is intangible or indescribable except with metaphor! Its Kinda like....... This is the reason the Gods made the Human Being intelligent in the 1st place. So we can see & physically describe these measurable & immeasurable truths. *ॐ~ Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* The Beatles, The Dead, The Who, Led Zeppelin, Bobby Dylan & it goes on & on write & sing this Vedic Lore. Even all Religions are written in this Lore. My favorite part is most of the audience doesnt even know that this Lore exists & its Power to release the truth. & yet it seems to wake them up regardless. It gives the impulse to Express in a Higher Expression or Feeling & makes them to want align their actions more Pious or as the Veda says Aligned with the Truth! Granted these expressions are as vast, different & infinite as that which they are expressing,. *ॐ~ Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* As if it doesnt matter that they consciously know of its existence. When in the presence of this Lore their Soul or the Truth of them seems to get it & releases The Veda anyway..... *ॐ~ Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* This World & His Humen are filled with Illusion, Misconception & Ignorance of Dualiies (Dvaita), Light- Darkness, Truth & Untruth, Real - Unreal, Beliefs - Dogmas, Happiness- Sorrow, Loss- Profit, Favorable - Un favorable, and So forth. The Duality of Female & Male is also within the Realm of Dvaita. In Advaita ( Non Duality) these pairs do not Exist at all. Both parts of the pair are complementary , as well as in oposition. Sometimes they become Mutually helpful, and at tomes they start to fight and wound each other. To identify the presence of the same identical essence in both of them is called Social, Religious Conduct & Act i.e. Virtuous & Moral Character every Moment& Spiritual Conductivity i.e. to know God with Principle of Advaita ( non Duality). Whether, these two are complementary or opposed , as long as there is a Sense of of division due to Illusion, Misconception & Ignorance, DVAITA ( Duality) is SURELY there & causes of Riots among every Dharma (Religion) of World. *ॐ~ Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* ॐ* NAMO ~*ॐ* NAMO ~*ॐ*NAMO ~*ॐ*~NAMO* ॐ*NAMO *NAMO *ॐ* The Visible & Invisible management of life for happiness. The universe responds to the vibrational frequency you emit according your own Prarbdha (destiny , Luck, fate, Fortunate Karma, Bhagya, Nasib, Niyati created by Past Karma which are Embeded in Chitta ( mind stuff, psyche) in the form of samaskaras ( accumulated Impressions). It is not punishing you or blessing you. You can consciously or unconsciously create your own reality. due to the Prarbdha. *ॐ~ Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* This is principle of Equanimity of Living Being on Earth Plane. *ॐ~ Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* WHAT is SIN & WHAT is MERCY ?. There are countless of Deaths taking place in this world every moment. You cannot be held responsible and called SINNER for that unless you yourself kill someone. Similarly , countless lives take birth every moment and exist, you cannot be called MERCIFUL for that. IF YOU do not KILL or HURT anyone , you are MERCIFUL, if you KILL or HURT anyone , you are SINNER. *ॐ~ Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ*
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 01:48:16 +0000

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