Destroy the Illusion & Ignorance for EVER & Lives in Advaita ( Non - TopicsExpress


Destroy the Illusion & Ignorance for EVER & Lives in Advaita ( Non Duality). श्री* ॐ~श्री*~* ॐ~श्री*~ ॐ~श्री*~ ॐ*श्री* * ॐ*श्री* The benefits of the Consciousness of MUSIC at fix time are infinite, like the limitless sky (ANANATA). MUSIC, RHYTHM (NADA, SABDA BRAHMAN) without DEVOTION is not MUSIC at All. Social Conduct & ACT, RELIGIOUS & SPIRITUAL CONDUCTIVITY, Prayer, Japa , Sadhana, Yoga & Meditation with non-duality (Advaita) can bring you back to your Divine - Nature, it can make you intelligent , it can make you loving, it can make you spontaneous, it can make you responsible, it can make you a benediction to yourself and to existence. Except Social Conduct & so forth , there is no method which can help . These are KEY, the MASTER KEY. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* This is called the DEVOTION TOWARD SOCIAL, RELIGIOUS & SPIRITUAL CONDUCT & ACT. The benefits of the Consciousness of MUSIC at fix time are infinite, like themlimitless sky (ANANATA). *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* Where the Western Science Ends, Vedantic & Indian Philosophy BEGINS. *ॐ~ ALBERT EINSTEIN~ॐ* MUSIC, RHYTHM (NADA, SABDA BRAHMAN) without DEVOTION is not MUSIC at All. It is Nada i.e. GANA BRAHMAN (GOD) that Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) finds complete REST i. e. ONENESS. Divine Music (not LOUDLY SOUND) as Divine Vehicle of body, senses, mind, chitta, devotion takes the Sadhaka (aspirant) to MOKSHA ( salvation) Like Hardasji, Tansenji, Mira Bai, Surdas & so forth. Anhad (subtle) Sound is very intimate to the ULTIMATE DIVINITY. It is Even described as an Aspect of BRAHMAN (GOD) or BRAHMAN ITSELF. *ॐ~{Shanti Parva 44-48} MAHABHARAT}~ॐ* THINK GLOBALLY, ACT HOMELY ,SOCIALLY, RELIGIOUSLY, SPIRITUALLY. Lord bless every body without ILLUSION, Ostentation, Ego & with Tolerance & Surrender for every movement for Precious Life. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* Music (Nada) is the Righteous Conduct & Act ,Prayer,japa & sadhna it can touch the heart,mind & chitta. Why not make your MIND so GENEROUS that the ENTIRE WORLD is WORTHY of your LOVE.? To understand the SCRIPTURES of all Religion of World, an attitude of EQUANIMITY and IMPARTIALITY is essential in a true individual, aspirant, devotee & Sadhak. The SHRADDHA (FAITH) is that favorably disposition of hearts combined with happiness of mind which,when directed toward superiors inspires Faith and when directed towards juniors,inspires beneficence. IT IS THE FIRST PRODUCT OF PRANA (Life Force). If music is an inner expressions,only then can be it effect,heart,mind & chiita (mind stuff,psyche). The mind becomes mere restless and egoistic if the music it an external expression. The purpose of music, Prayer, japa & sadhana is to control the heart, mind & chitta(mind stuff, psyche). Music (Nada) is the Righteous Conduct & Act ,Prayer,japa & sadhna it can touch the heart,mind & chitta. Prayer,japa & sadhana did not last where music become primary. There was a when King Akbar had go in disguise and hide in order to listen to the singing of Haridasji ( Tansens Guru). Haridasji did not want to exhibit his art & Ego. Now days position of GOD is taken by an Arrogant Person (Its the Common among us now . Lord bless every body without ILLUSION,Ostentation, Ego & with Tolerance & Surrender for every movement for Precious Life. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* ONE for ALl & ALL for ONE is All. Dvaita (Duality, Diversity) v\s Advaita ( Non-Duality) i. e. Holy Human. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* What a MIRACULOUS, MYSTIC of CONSCIOUSNESS?. Cosmos exists, Life comes & goes, How does it Happen, none of us KNOWS, Who made the Stars, Suns and Who made all these Cosmos, How they affect us, how we take our BREATH (Conscious Self)?, What is that CONSCIOUSNESS, where we go after DEATH?, What a MIRACULOUS, What a MIRACULOUS Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)? Is not all that MYSTIC, should we not then MANIFEST?. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* A True & Pure Insight (Inner Universe, constitute of five Divine Tattwa:Earth, Air, Water, Fire & Ether: Vedanta Version) into our own personality reveals to us that it is Finite (Outer Universe, constitute of five Divine Tattwa: Earth, Air, Water, Fire & Ether: Vedanta Version) in its true & pure Nature and cannot therefore, be circumscribed to that form of it which is only apparent to us at the moment. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* Evolution of Life to Self -Realization (Inner Universe) is the work of every ones individual efforts and is in fact the REAL- EVOLUTION (Outer & Inner Universe). *~ Vedanta Version~* When the frail boat of Ego is threatened from all sides - the darkening clouds above, the bumping sea below and the screaming storms all around - the sailors only refuge is to come back to Tranquil harbour, the SUPREME - SELF. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* The precious Life is the Divine field of Social, Religious & Spiritual Conductivity. An integrated inner Inner Universe) as well as outer existence(Outer Universe) of our ordinary human living into DIVINE WAY of life is central purpose of Social Religious & Spiritual Conductivity. The transformation of our superficial, narrow and fragmentary human way of thinking, seeing, feeling and being into a deep and Social Religious & Spiritual Conductivity i.e Wide consciousness i.e. Universal Consciousness. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* The Conscious - Self can be compares to a Machine , which is the Medium of Work through which electricity operates. The Human Body is simply medium; there is not question of it being active because of GROSS - NATURE. Due to his Ego a living being becomes the Doer (Hindi - Karta), I, ME, & MINE, unable to experience the difference between the CHAITANYA, the CONSCIOUS - SELF & the DIVINE BODY. This is called the DORMANT STATE of the CONSCIOUS -SELF. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* How can it be that the World HOLDS us when it is to LET go of this SLIPPERY WORLD i.e. Ego, Attachment, Ostentation, Aversion & so forth. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* We realize (self Realization) the fact that the True & Pure logical, Emotional & Dynamic Scope of such a Personality gradually leads itself forward until it traverses the Divine Path of its SELF- DEVELOPMENT and COMPLETES the MYSTIC CIRCLE that Envelops Us ALL. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* Giving up & Destroying the Ego & Attachment are nothing but servicing our own Body, Senses, Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) (Inner Universe). *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* This World { Outer Universe} & OUR MIND, Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)}(Inner Universe) is Like the WAVES of an OCEAN. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* A True & Pure Insight (Inner Universe) into our own personality reveals to us that it is Finite (Outer Universe) in its true & pure Nature and cannot therefore, be circumscribed to that form of it which is only apparent to us at the moment. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* Ego & Attachment are not in Outer Universe; these are in the Mind & Chiita (mind stuff, psyche) i.e. Internal World. These gives rise to different kinds of Expectations. *~ Vedanta Version, Patanjali~* This Awareness asks that you love one another and all will be well. If you want to know anything fundamentally or to get the position of GOD or SUPREME, you must get Tattvagyan(Pure & True Knowledge via Self Realization) only because nothing is left unknown fundamentally if you get Tattvagyan which is all the Perfect. Then you will find yourself becoming as Perfect as a Supreme Person after getting this Tattvagyan or this KNOWLEDGE. The Social Conduct ,Religiosity & Spirituality(selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH,under this SKY,breathing the same air of UNIVERSE. Calm you Socially, Religiously & Spritually to lead a Good & Divine Life. To Pray and Chant daily and to practice our own Mantra with Faith, Emotion & Feeling to the best of Life fulfillment. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* * ॐॐॐ~ॐॐ ॐ * ॐॐॐ~ॐ ॐ ॐ * ॐॐॐ The TEN Sounds of ANHAD NAAD (Divine Melody of Sound manifest In Ultimate - YOGA ). The HANSOPINISHED (VEDA) makes mention of Ten Types of DIVINE SOUND manifest by ANAHAD. The First one is CHHINI, The Second is CHHICHHINI, The Third sound is BELL, The Fourth sound of CONCHSHELL, The Fifth sound of Indian LUTE ( TANTRI), The sixth sound of DRUM, The seventh sound of FLUTE , The Eight sound of TABOR ( MRIDANGA), The ninth sound of KETTLEDRUM (BHERI) and, The last one is the sound of THUNDER CLOUDS. COMPETENCE means the ABILITY of human beings of universe to swim across the RIVER of LIFE and reach to SHORE of LORDS CONSCIOUSNESS. For this everybody should be chant the Mantra given by Sadaguru Swami Shivom Thirthji Maharaj and Maa Bagulamukhi at the fix time 7.00 - 7.15 A.M. daily in the Homes, Temples(all types), Churchs (all types), Bodha-Chaityalayas (all types), All Holy Places(all types), Gurudwaras(all types) and all the Holly Places according to their own emotion & worship as well in HOME. To manifest the Homologous Divine Power of Lord to Over Come *THE GLOBAL WARMING in every Sphere of Life 1.“OM AEIM HRIM SHRIM KLIM HLIM OM JIVA-NIRJIVA (LIVING & NON LIVING) KALAYANKARI PARAM MAA PARMESHWARI NAMO NAMHA” 1. ऊँ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं हिलीम्‌ ऊँ जीव-निर्जीव कल्याणकारी परम्‌-माँ परमेश्वरी नमो नमः ॥ *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* Om Aeim Hrim Shrim Klim Hlim Om jiva Nirjiv Kalayankari Param Maa-Parmeshwari Namo Namaha. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* 2.Om Aeim Hrim Shrim klim Hlim Om Shiv Shakti Bhyam Namoha Namaha. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* 3.“OM AIEM HRIM SHRIM KLIM HLIM OM SARVA DEO-DEVI SARUPAYE SHRI ALLHAYE, OM GAUTAM BUDDHAYE, OM MAHAVIRAYE, OM WAHE GURU, OM SAI, OM PRABHU ISHU, OM BRAHMA- VISHNU-SHIV-SHAKTI BHYAM NAMO NAMHA.” *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* 4.“OM AIEM HRIM SHRIM KLIM HLIM OM MANI PADME HUM or HOOM. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* The Social Conduct ,Religiosity & Spirituality(selflessness) can be attained very easily on this EARTH, under this SKY, breathing the same air of UNIVERSE. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha~ॐ* GURU TATTWA, EINSTEINJI, MOTHER TERESAJI, GANDHIJI, POETYCAJI, PRARBDHA facebook/pages/Kaushal-Bansal/183270601722361 Consciousness of universal Frds. for welfare of Living & Non living (to over come the Global Warming) with Love & Peace within{Self Realized} with non-duality(Advaita),i.e. Only One God ONE FOE ALL & ALL for ONE i.e. *{Holy Human}* GURU TATTWA,EINSTEINJI, MOTHER TERESAJI, GANDHIJI, POETYCAJI, PRARBDHA —
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 23:42:01 +0000

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