Destroying Another Myth of the Zionists: The UN did NOT create - TopicsExpress


Destroying Another Myth of the Zionists: The UN did NOT create Israel by Alison Weir The fact is that UN General Assembly Resolution 181, the Partition Plan, was a recommendation that was to go to the Security Council. In the resolution, the General Assembly requested that the Security Council take it up. This never happened, and the partition plan has no force of law. Some activists might say: how is this important? It is important because Israeli propagandists have perpetrated the myth that the UN created Israel, and this interpretation has then been repeated by numerous others. The resolution was also vitiated (made invalid) by several gross irregularities. (1) The UN General Assembly did not have the authority to partition Palestine. (2) Denial of justice. A second irregularity was that the General Assembly refused to refer questions of its competence on this matter to the International Court of Justice for an advisory opinion. (3) The resolution violated Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, which previously recognized the independence of the people of Palestine... (4) The resolution was also a violation of the Charter of the UN and the principle of self-determination of the people of Palestine. (5) It violated the most elementary democratic principles by the flagrant disregard of the will of the majority of the original inhabitants who opposed partition of their homeland. (6) The plan was absolute inequity. The partition plan attributed to the Jews – who constituted less than one-third of the population, who were largely foreigners and who owned less than 6 percent of the land – an area almost ten times greater than what they owned. Read more at the link:
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 18:08:59 +0000

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