Destroying the walls around me deafening me. I felt the strange - TopicsExpress


Destroying the walls around me deafening me. I felt the strange sensation that I couldn’t change what was about to happen. I saw the “protectors of the people” swarm me, guns raised and aimed directly at me, barking unheard orders. I raised my hands and interlock my fingers and I fell to my knees, I knew what was going to happen. One of the heavily armed, heavily protected gunman drove his knee into my back and cuffed me. The dragged me through the halls of the apartment building. People at each doorway taking pictures and videos. I was thrown into the back of a cold metal truck. I was arrested, no captured, for being a conduit. It was nothing special, just the ability to use light anyway I pleased. I could bend it around me and disappear. I could control a UV ray and make it and lethal violent ray. I could ride it too, my person favorite. I was locked, in a cold, dark steel cage. I was never too see the light of day, or any light for that matter. It had been maybe a few months. I had made friends with neat little trickster one cell over. She could make lights appear out of thin air. Coarse, her hands were encased in concrete, courtesy of the boys of the D.U.P. But every now and then, they’d train her, teach her things. She’d come back and tell me all about it. Her name was Abigail, but she preferred to be called Fetch. She used to be a junkie, and ended up killing her brother. She didn’t even put up a fight when the DUP’s came. Kind of sad really, but she went trough a lot. It has been a long year now, I know the sounds of the halls, and my empty, except for a bed a shiter and a sink. Each with their own unique sounds. I’d hear the groan of the doors, the ones outside of mine, to block all the light. Some days, they’d forget to close the one blocking the light. I’d feel the surge of power, light was my power source. I got all of it back. One day, they let a lady in and her boots rang “I lack power, but I still demand it” and so did her voice. “I hear you can control the light.” they left the doors wide open. “Control it then.” She stepped aside. I rode the light right between the bars and next to her. The light was shut by a concrete wall. “How would like a deal?” I was too weak to speak, the life was drained from me when the light left. I just grabbed her hand, she understood. “I’ll be back same time tomorrow. You cross me, I’ll hunt you down personally, and I will kill you.” She was back, like she said be. I was wrapped in concrete and brought to a room where targets and blast marks were all over the wall. I was told to show them what I could do and locked into the room. I did as I was told, showed them all of the moves I could think of. I went invisible, that shocked them, I rode the light, burned holes in the wall. They opened the doors and I was free. I rode the light out of that hell hole. I’m hiding to this day, the light constantly bent to my will, around me. I only hide because the truth hurts, but the lady was hunting for me. The truth wasn’t far behind me either, till one day I decided to get cocky and start following her around. Hide in the background as she hunted down fellow conduits a drove shards of concrete into there back. I watched as she did the same to every person in the village and no one gave up the boy who was trouble to begin with and was clearly a conduit. I followed her to Seattle, as did that boy. She was hunting someone else, a few escaped conduits that escaped the day the lady hurt innocent people. I never saw her again. I was finally free, her hands were full and I stayed in Seattle. Who knows, maybe I’ll run into that kid again.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 04:16:02 +0000

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