Destruction of the Wilson Experience - Day 25 The Number Game - TopicsExpress


Destruction of the Wilson Experience - Day 25 The Number Game Lets talk numbers The Wilson administration has a schizophrenic relationship with numbers. Depending on the situation, Wilson is able to deliver spot-on accountancy. Just take a look at President Misticks November 29, 2012 Penn Live op/ed - she cites figures for deferred maintenance, total debt, and cumulative debt. Mistick is a regular wunderkind with figures, spewing out the number of womens colleges and historic enrollment data, Fast forward to June 2014, Reunion. During her state of the college address, Mistick choose to release application data rather than 2014 enrollment figures. She also two-stepped around the status of the annual fund. This is where I and so many other alumnae have concerns. The college has emphatically stated debt load, number of womens colleges, and applications received. Mistick and the BOT announced to the world and more importantly, testified to the PA Department of Education that the college has been co-ed since 1970, (oops, bad example, since the college retracted its testimony just hours after making it.) Mistick has asked alumnae to join together to make The Wilson Today plan work, but she has neglected the most important part of leadership, trust. Let me break it down - We have our own business, - right now I can tell you what is in the bank account, what we owe, what invoices are owed the business. I know what checks have not cleared and I know if I can make payroll or not. In fact, I betcha that most of you know within a couple of dollars what is in your checking account, how much is left on your mortgage and if there is enough chicken in the freezer for dinner tonight. Oh sure, Wilson has rolling admissions and the number will certainly change before the semester starts, but if you are running a business, a household budget or a college, you can pretty much bet that you know the current figures. Misticks flippant relationship with numbers is not working: She ends up appearing either incompetent or evasive - neither one of these good qualities for a leader. Its one thing to avoid giving accurate data to alumnae and the Alumnae Association but playing hard to get with the PA Department of Education showed everyone present that this administration is not to be trusted. The college knows those enrollment figures. The V.P. of Enrollment along with many of the admissions staff attended the hearing. They know those figures. The President knows those figures. We know that you know those figures. Most importantly, the PA Department of Education knows that you know those figures. Wouldnt it just be easier to release the figures? We are witnessing the destruction of the WIlson Experience.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 22:35:27 +0000

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