Desty Mathis is doing well. She is out of the Hospital and home - TopicsExpress


Desty Mathis is doing well. She is out of the Hospital and home now. Planning to return to work tomorrow afternoon. The Girls got SOME kind of determination! : -) Wonder who she gets that from? (- : Her white count was well over 1700 when she got to ER on Thursday Evening, and by Friday Evening was back down to 760. Prayers, (So many of them lifted by you Fb Family, Friends, and Prayer Warriors... Thank You ALL!) were answered swiftly. Anyone who says, that God doesnt exist, or doesnt listen and answer prayers, has never faced a crises in their lives and prayed for help. If you Believe, you WILL Receive. I found that out many years ago. Faith can move mountains, build bridges, fill voids, and Help us to find good to glean from the bad times. And there will be bad times for us all... that comes with the Earthly territory. We were never promised constantly blooming roses in this Garden of life, but we WERE promised more ease in dealing, better healing, and less scaring, when we, many times inevitably, and other times accidentally, encounter the thorns that grow with the Beautiful Roses that we so enjoy. And often our close encounters of the thorn kind, are noticed or observed by other Folks, who sometimes are touched or even influenced, by what we go through.. and/or, how we deal with these bad times. They are witness to the courage our Faith gives us. But they can also see in us the attitude of Oh poor me, why me? I just dont deserve this! If that is our way of feeling. The latter only serves to make more misery for ourselves in the situation we are dealing with, and to reinforce in some, their disbeliefs, or in others, it can cause doubts. I dont always understand why something that hurts, happens.... but I do know that no matter what happens, God is always there to help me get through it, and Ive learned, that the reasons are not always, for me, to understand. I also know that what we endure can either make us stronger, in our Faith, which in turn gives us a Strength within ourselves that can help us get through anything, or, it can tear us apart, and take us down, to the depths of despair. Thats a choice that we make for ourselves, no one can or does make that choice for us. Ive been through some tough times, but I know that Gods Love and my Faith in that Love and his Faithfulness to all of us, will always bring me through anything. He never clocks out or takes a break, Hes always working behind the scenes, I might not be able to see Him, but I can feel His presence. And thats not to say, that I havent had my weak times, its pretty tough watching your Children go through bad times and pain filled happenings, and have to stand by helplessly watching. I have asked my share of, Why Lord?s through the years... Just last Thursday night, I found myself asking, Why her again, Lord She has been through so much already.. And He knows that my, in the mind question, had to do with the pain that I was feeling, by seeing my Child suffering, its hard on a Parent, whether its a first time or many, many, times. He knew it was about my Motherly instinct to protect my Children, and to try and make them feel better by kissing their tears away, something that we do so many times as theyre growing up.. it was about that helpless feeling that there was nothing that I could do to make what she was going through any better. He knows what we feel in our hearts, so He knew that it wasnt questioning Him, it was the soulful expression of this Mothers heart hurting for One of my very Loved Children. But I knew that after every Rain storm, a rainbow follows, even if its not visible to our eyes, it is there, with its promise to our hearts.. I prayed, and many of You Prayed, and what a Blessing, He gave Desty, of pain relief and quick healing through Great Doctors, and the right medications prescribed, along with only a short hospital stay. And what a Blessing He has given us, to have so many praying Friends, and Prayer Warriors, that are always ready to lift us up, anytime there is a need. Again, THANK YOU FACEBOOK FAMILY AND FRIENDS, AND FRIENDS OF FRIENDS, AND FRIENDS AND FAMILY OF THEIR FRIENDS, FOR ALL OF YOUR PRAYERS AND WELL WISHES. PLEASE KNOW THAT YOU ARE APPRECIATED, AND WELL LOVED BY US. WE ARE THANKFUL FOR YOU. AND THANK YOU GOD FOR DESTYS QUICK HEALING, YOU ARE ONE, CARING FATHER, AND AMAZING DAD! AND YOU NEVER LET US DOWN, WHEN WE CALL FOR HELP.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 19:36:38 +0000

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