Details EXPOSED HOW UHURU INTENDS TO RIG in 2017 and he has - TopicsExpress


Details EXPOSED HOW UHURU INTENDS TO RIG in 2017 and he has started laying the ground.while CORD is entangled 2017 is two man race between Uhuru and Raila.It is evident that elections are going to be free and Fair ,There is no way that Uhuru can beat Raila . Uhuru himself is aware of that .for that reason these are the strategies that Uhuru Plans to use in the next Genera Elections that CORD should watch out for because the Kikuyu mafia are Planning for a long term Kikuyu Presidency .Some of the strategies Uhuru intends to use are already taking place now First and foremost The main strategy for Uhuru is going to use is 1.BRIBERY.Defined is the improper use of gifts and favors in exchange for personal gain.those intended to be bribed are ----------------------------------------- 1. IEBC . must be Bribed to ensure that by all means they will have to work in favor of uhuru in the elections.Those expected to be Bribed are mainly IEBC Chiefs , CEO and Mr Hassan and The Board members.They are expected to extend the offers to those whom they will employ on the ground to oversee the election process. 2. POLICE.The Top Police organs are expected to work in favor of uhuru in exchange of presidential favors of positions like promotions and gifts 3. Politicians. Politicians mainly with good followings are expected to be bribed like we saw in the last elections .Many where Bribed a lot of money to forgo their political interest in favor of uhuru where defected to his party and some just remained to divide the opposition.Those likely to be Uhurus target are from western Kenya .where Uhuru personally has no following and as such he has to use money to support his bribed person and ensure he has enough money for political propaganda and personal use..Already he has Eugen and Musalia.for his mission and at the moment he is targeting Ababu Namwamba which is giving him some hard times.Some easy targets are in Nyanza like Dalmas ,Kidero ,Ken Obura and some some more. 4. Religious leaders. are also being enticed by the presidential favors and as such are often used to show the public the innocence of a politician.most religious organisation are willing to be counted as they are aware of the benefits of it and power behind the politician.the likes of wanjiru, Kanyiri,Kikuyu clergy are all easy targets for free money. 5. MEDIA: Most Television and radio stations are now cowed by the new rules in the media that was pushed by the president himself and as such they tend to provide a soft landing for the president for their survival.Besides they are already being coached how to operate in favor of the president. Bribes will be made here for them to make news to favor the president towards the election. 6 Political analysts and survey Firms like IPSOS innovate are all getting under Uhuru control where He is ensuring that the staff there are mainly Kikuyus . political analysts ike Ngunyi Mutai who will make comments prior to elections Like they are predicting yet its all prearranged inorder to deceive the public that their predictions are correct. ---------------------------------------- 2.Corruption and Tribalism: is the illegitimate use of public power to benefit a private interest. 6. Uhuru is going to make Use of Government property,Assets,finances and public servants in his campaigns. 7. Ambassadors ;.Already Uhuru has replaced over 50 diplomatic missions abroad of which over 40 ambassadors appointed are all from his Kikuyu ethnic tribe which he expects to use in his favor ,incase Kenyans abroad are given the opportunity to vote. 8. Top Government Staff and Cabinet :60% of Kikuyus in Government are strategically placed in key government positions by Uhurus which he expects to use in the countdown to elections whenever he needs to corrupt figures ,tax,property and assets in his favor..IN state house 90% of the staff are Kikuyus .they too would freely do anything to maintain Uhuru as the next president so as to ensure their Jobs are safe. 9. Digital Strategy The main reason Uhuru wants to turn government administration tools to Digital is not to improve it,The reason behind this is to ensure that the corruption strategies being improvised will not to be detectable hence ,Evidence of rigging will be hard nut to crack. 10. land grabbing and title deeds distribution.As elections date draws near Uhuru is preparing millions of title deeds using lands minister in order to distribute them as his own initiative,whic h he will use as a campaign strategy.This is typical corruption underway. 11. Judiciary:to some extent uhuru is strategizing his loyal judges and the Public Prosecutors office who he is already using now to frustrate other politicians .Like he is doing with Joho using petty reasons .A strategy he will use mainly against his fiercest critics. 12. KDF:to some extent Uhuru wil make sure the force is loyal to him by ensuring it is crowded by Kikuyus from his tribe. 13. Police :for some reasons Uhuru will make sure that the police is overcrowded by Kikuyus and Kalenjins. 14. IDs and VOTERS CARD:these are going to be provided door to door in Central Kenya and Rift Valley to ensure that anybody who does not have is provided no matter the age limit as long as one is capable of voting.Those who are not wiling, their details will be kept and deemed as voted for Uhuru in advance.anyone who dies in central during the year of elections will be counted in his favor. 15. FRUSTRATION By Using IEBC : This is a means of corruption whereby Uhuru is going to frustrate opposition strongholds by late arrivals, poor information ,lack intelligence,lack of enough materials,lack of security lack of stability in technology. 16. Telecommunication firms are going to be eluded in the sense that Uhuru intends to get partnership and strong base in Telkom Kenya which there is a plan already by some Kikuyu entrepreneurs who are intending to buy the 70% shares from Orange France .After which he will use Orange as the main transmission and communication media for IEBC .The purpose is to to elude detection of errors , malpractice and communication . 17. The media :Almost all TV station have a connection with Uhuru Today. Uhuru already has shares and connections in K24,Citizen,NTV and intends to buy KTN shares as well owned by Moi .KBC is a Public owned Station.people like tony Gachoka are his main advisers in the media, hence it only shows his control and authority in these station especially after he recently ensured the most stations replaced Editors and journalist who rarely like his administrations.long serving editors like Chacha Mwita and others were softly dismissed without anyone noticing.Nowadays People like Mohammed Ali and Allan Namu are not Fully supported by KTN in their investigative shows of Jicho pevu.Where they used to make a show almost every month now they make a show almost twice or thrice a year. 18. USE of TAX.Uhuru will use public money for projects ,government loans ,County resources and finances especially from central.Kenya for his plans 3.Dirty Politics and Divide and Rule as his final strategy 19. Kikuyu Incitement.Kikuyus are known to be easily incited against other Kenyans by their leaders .some Politically make kikuyus to believe that Kenya belongs to Kikuyus.This is mainly y preached by their leaders,preachers and politicians.Its common sense that Kikuyus will Vote for Uhuru even if Uhuru does not campaign in Centra Kenya but as a political show Uhuru and his sycophants will use central platform just to politically attack their opponents,answer and show their muscles to the opposition. 20. Divide and Rule tactics .Uhuru will have to ensure opposition strong holds are divided by offering favors to easy going politicians. especially money and position just like he offered balala and Ngilu,This time the politicians uhuru intend to entice in his favor notably are Alfred Mutua,Evans Kidero,Dalamas Otieno,eugen wamalwa,Gideon Moi,Musalia Mudavadi, and there are around 20 more warming up to uhuru. 21 Insecurity :This is also another sensitive area which uhuru is currently exploring to use in his favor .The strategies are still secret.By ensuring insecurity there will be a means by which it works in his favour either by using it to blame his opponent and gain favor as he is doing now or elicit international community for support financially just for the money .however his main objective remains secret in this. WE HOPE KENYANS AND MAINLY THE OPPOSITION OPEN THEIR EYES AHEAD OF UHURU OTHERWISE KENYANS WILL BE BRAIN WASHED FOR ALONG TIME
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 04:19:08 +0000

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