Details largest global spy scandal : America spied on 120 in the - TopicsExpress


Details largest global spy scandal : America spied on 120 in the world , most notably President Mubarak and Bashar Merkel Still the subject of U.S. spying on German Chancellor Angela Merkel , cast a shadow on relations between Washington And Berlin , especially in light of what was uncovered by German magazine Der Spiegel last week , the new documents leaked by former U.S. intelligence analyst Edward Snowden expose the collection agencies, the U.S. National Security Information for Merkel among more than 120 politically around the world. Have reported German news agency , that Germany has criticized the United States , said German Interior Minister Thomas Dmazer , said that the bilateral relations between Berlin and Washington will likely see progress before Merkels visit to Washington scheduled for next May . He doubted that result in a meeting with Merkel expected President Barack Obama tangible results on the U.S. spy controversial . The German magazine Der Spiegel said in a report last week that the National Security Agency and the U.S. retained in their databases with information obtained through the monitoring program for more than 100 political around the world , according to leaks Edward Snowden . The magazine said it had seen a confidential document is extremely issued by the National Security Agency , according to that document , the leaders of 120 countries were among the targets of high U.S. intelligence , but the newspaper did not reveal only 12 names only , the resolution of the Prime Minister of Malaysia, former Abdulla my part in the first list , which also included , and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas , and the document also included the names of the heads of Somalia , Guatemala , Colombia, and Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko . And replaced former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Timhenko on the last list, where the names of leaders of countries in alphabetical order by their first names . The name appeared German Chancellor Angela Merkel among the former Malian president Amadou Toumani Toure , and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad , the document refers to Merkel that included the so-called objective knowledge base information , and ensure that complete information about the people who are monitored . While the detection site , Deutsche Welle German for all the names that received the document , which are as follows : former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak , Abdullah Yusuf , head of Somalia , Abu Mazen , the Palestinian president , Alan Garcia , Perus president , Alexander Lukashenko , president of Belarus , Alvaro Colom , President of Guatemala , Alvaro Ulribe, President of Colombia , President Amadou Toumani Toure of Mali , Abdullah Badawi , chairman of Malaysia , Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany , Jose Ramos-Horta , President of East Timor , Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero , Prime Zarae Spain , former President Joseph Kabila of Congo , Kgalema Motlanthe , President of South Africa , Kim Jong Il , North Koreas past, Konstantinos Karamanlis , Greek President , Laurent Gbagbo , President of Ivory Coasts former , Lee Myung -bak , former South Korean President , Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva , former President of Brazil , Ma Ying-jeou , Taiwans president , Mahinda Rajapaksa , Sri Lankas president , Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , the former president of Iran . The list also included Manmohan Singh , Indias prime minister , Manuel Zelaya , President of Honduras , Martin Torrijos, president of Panama , Mauricio Funes , President of El Salvador , Meles Zenawi , Prime Minister of Ethiopia late , Michelle Bachelet , President of Chile , Mikhail Saakashvili , Georgias President , Mwai Kibaki , President of Kenya , Nedzad Brankovic , President of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Nicolas Sarkozy , President of France, the former , Nong Duc Manh , President of Vietnam , Nouri al-Maliki , Prime Minister of Iraq , Nursultan Nazarbayev , president of Kazakhstan , Omar al-Bashir , Sudans president , Oscar Arias , president of Costa Rica , Paul Kagame , President of Rwanda, Prachanda , Chairman of Nepal , Rafael Correa , Ecuadors president , Raul Castro , President of Cuba , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Turkeys prime minister , Rene Preval , President of Haiti , Robert Mugabe , President of Zimbabwe , Sali Berisha , President of Albania , Sheikh Hasina , Bangladeshi Prime Minister , Silvio Berlusconi , Italys prime minister earlier. She magazine , that among the names that have been spying by Bashar al-Assad of Syria , Bharrat Jagdeo , President of Guyana , binge wa Mutharika , President of Malawi , Boris Tadic , President of Serbia , Choummaly Sayasone , Lao President , Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner , President of Argentina , Daniel Ortega , Nicaraguas President , Dmitry Medvedev , Russias president and former prime minister, current , Donald Tsang , head of Hong Kong , Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia , Ehud Olmert , Israels prime minister earlier, Evo Morales , Bolivias president , Felipe Calderon , President of Mexico , Fernando Lugo , president of Paraguay , Fouad Siniora , Prime Minister of Lebanons former President Gloria Arroyo , President of the Philippines , Qurban , Turkmenistans President , Hamid Karzai , President of Afghanistan , Hashim Thaci , Kosovos president , Hassanal Bolkiah , President of Brunei , Herman Van Rompuy , Prime Minister of Belgium , Hu Jintao , Chinas president , Hugo Chavez , president of Venezuelas late , Hun Sen , head of Cambodia , Ilham Aliyev , President of Azerbaijan , Ismail Omar , president of Djibouti , Johanna Sigurdardottir , Icelands Prime . Introduced a system of automatic identification names , known as Nimrod , which deals with the texts of which are intercepted fax , and voice communication via computers , nearly 300 signal to Merkel alone. The author of the document stressed the importance of the automated capture , in light of the slow process of fatigue and conservation objectives of the handwork of high- information rules . On the other hand , pointed magazine Der Spiegel that she had seen on the weekly report of the Task Force operations private sources , which prove that the National Security Agency obtained a court order spying on Merkel .. According to the document , the Special Tribunal responsible for requests for U.S. intelligence provided Security Agency National mandate to monitor the seventh of Germany in March 2013 . According to press reports, the leaks to the new Snowden important for Germany to prove that it was the target Merkel officially monitored by the United States , though the German prosecutors office did not specify the position after the prosecution and the U.S. National Security Agency . The German parliament has announced his intention to investigate the spy and CIA on Merkel , however, that the investigation will begin during the month. In the same vein , revealed Der Spiegel also reported that the device EGC THQ the British equivalent of the U.S. National Security Agency has targeted the German Internet companies, workers and hacked on their networks . The newspaper reported that the British report to the Agency pointed out that it has sought to develop what it called for in-depth information about ISPs satellite in Germany , the newspaper reported the names of three Internet companies in Germany , a Stellar and cetyl and IABG.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 14:38:14 +0000

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