Detection site and non- Israeli news of the newspaper Yediot - TopicsExpress


Detection site and non- Israeli news of the newspaper Yediot Aharonot Details CLI new cease-fire between Israel and the movement Hamas as an alternative to the Egyptian initiative put forward by Cairo recently and movement rejected pressure from Turkey and Qatar. The site that the CLI was delivered to the Israeli side, after approval by the Hamas movement, pointing out that Israeli officials are turning to reject the CLI, especially after what has already agreed to the Egyptian initiative. The Web site said the Israeli during a report on Saturday, said that the Doha document, which developed in order to restore calm between Israel and Hamas, require the removal of Egypts mediation between the two sides, and bring Turkey instead and that Ankaras key partner in efforts to calm, considered Israeli analyst Active Hebrew news, Avi Issacharoff, to close new Doha aims to fundamentally undermine the Egyptian proposal last ceasefire, stressing that Qatar wants to keep Egypt from the political equation between the two sides, and play a role in lieu thereof with the participation of the Turks, explaining that the Doha relied on their influence and convergence of Hamas to unite all the demands of movement, and made a new offer for a cease-fire include Hamass conditions for a cease-fire. The report noted, and non- that the document presented to the country by U.S. officials in the middle of last week, before the start of the Israeli ground offensive in Gaza, pointing out that the representatives of the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Western diplomats briefed on them. The Web site published the Israeli some key points which Achtrttha Hamas to stop firing rockets at Israel, which came as follows: 1 - Israel will release all the prisoners, which arrested them after killing three settlers in Hebron last month. 2 - allow Israel to build a port in Gaza. 3 - Israel open all border crossings between the Gaza Strip and fully. 4 - Open the crossing Rafah 24 hours a day. 5 - to allow Israel to allow fishing in the waters of Gaza, 12 miles (19 kilometers) from the coast of Gaza. 6 - an immediate ceasefire and a comprehensive on both sides. 7 - stop targeting military and security mutual in all its forms. 8 - Israel pledges to unzip the land and sea blockade on the Gaza Strip as a whole. 9 - Israel is to complete the implementation of the agreement in Cairo between the movement Hamas and the Israeli side on October 11, 2011 on the exchange deal, including the Palestinian prisoners who were released, then arrested again, and the abolition of all actions and collective punishment against Palestinians in the West Bank taken after 6/12/2014, including the release of all detainees, especially the chairman and members of the Legislative Council, and re-open institutions and private and public property that was confiscated, and stop the policy of administrative detention frequent, and the lifting of sanctions on the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. The mechanism and the implementation of the initiative as follows: 1 - Determine the zero hour for the entry into force of the truce understandings. 2 - Washington is working to ensure the implementation of this agreement according to a specific schedule, maintain calm and prevent the occurrence of any deficiencies in the application of this Agreement, and in the case of any Notes by any party shall refer to the United States sponsor these understandings to follow it. 3 - vows to Israeli and Palestinian sides to cease fire during the 6 hours of acceptance by both parties to this agreement. It said the Israeli that among the items CLI also include truce talks representatives of the Arabs and the Americans, and that Washington and mediator between Israel and Hamas is also next to Doha and Turkey, pointing out that Washington has conducted intensive negotiations for a cease-fire but ultimately Draft Cairo. The Israeli analyst that CLI designed to meet the Egyptian proposal for a cease-fire between Hamas and Israel, pointing out that in the background there is a conflict underlying forces between Doha and Cairo, pointing out that the Palestinian Authority supports the proposal from Egypt, and Cairo strongly criticized last week thwarted the Egyptian efforts along with the approved and Doha. The Asscharov, that Abbas visited yesterday Ankara, to discuss persuade Hamas to accept the Egyptian initiative, adding that the Palestinian sources said that Abbas met in Cairo before traveling to Turkey with the Vice-President of the Political Bureau of Hamas, Moussa Abu Marzouk, said that Hamas is willing to pay dearly for lifting of the blockade.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 15:00:13 +0000

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